DElyMyth (1448904)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (38 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Three Lakes Beach Hotel
Published Jan 20, 2009
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About Me
Living it Italy, in the big city of Milan.
I work from home, as PHP programmer, and staying all day at my computer, I also like to play a lot with it.
In my life there's room for many interests, like books and movies and (of course) computers, internet and technology.
But I'm not only a "geek-girl", I also play Table-Tennis, at least once a week.
My Latest Updates Show All
43 FamiliesWritten Jan 22, 2009
Crystal Springs , my playing neighborhood, just reached the 43 Families . And I still have 7 students at college, which will create new families once they'll graduate.. Actually, I don't really care if someone dies there, and the 43 Families are the answer to the obvious question: " Why don't you care about dying sims? " ;-) ...More
Building AgainWritten Jan 17, 2009
It was a little bit hard to catch up with my life, but now that I've done it, I'm back to building, at least in the week-ends :D And I also think I'll start to update this small blog just for my sims lives. ...More
My Guestbook Show All
jazzi04Jan 17, 2009
Cute! Thanks for the fuuny and nice comment on my Sim London..
hiedibear75Dec 16, 2008
Thank you for taking a moment to comment on my FISHY pix. It was a glitch....NOT something I MADE happen. Have a SIM-tabulous day!
mighty_femaleDec 15, 2008
Hey there! Thank you for commenting my screenshot 'When your Sim gotta go...' Have a nice day!