flowerchild4real (76274)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (206 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Published Sep 2, 2007
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About Me
I only create walls and floors for ts2 now and I enjoy doing it.
I play the sims for hours and I do it to have fun and relax.
My daughter just gave birth on 9-11-2007 to a baby girl. She was named Autumn.
I love TSR and have been a member for a very long time and dont plan on stopping anytime soon. So please enjoy all of my downloads, thats why I create them.
Anyhows God Bless and Happy Simming!
PS PLEASE READ: All creators work hard even those of us that cant make objects, if you are going to download our work, including mine, please take the time to rate it, its an easy process and it lets us know how you feel about our work and I need the motivation. Thank you.
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midland_04May 23, 2008
flowerchild4real, I agree, my latest wall set that I uploaded has 19 walls in it, and it had almost 6 hours into the set. So I know what you are talking about real well. I've been getting good downloads off of it, and even a couple of comments. It seems to be going over well so far. Midland_04
midland_04May 22, 2008
flowerchild4real, I was reading your About Me: and I gotta say, Bless you. You are right. All of my creations are recolors and walls, and some of the recolors are difficult to get right with special touches. Not everyone realizes that. Thank you so much to try and make people realize this. Although they are all just recolors except my walls, you might want to check some out. I got a lot of nice items. Midland_04
MinnieMinPinOct 04, 2007
Thanks for signing my GB, I appericate it! I do LOVE your screenshots! Keep up the great work! I look forward to your next Post! MinnieMinPin