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The NewWalls System

The NewWalls System
By: 71robert13

Which do you need
What it is
The choice revolution
Pre-trimmed wallpapers
Final notes

     Welcome to the NewWalls System, a totally revolutionary way of decorating your walls! Keep in mind that as of this day: 4-16-10 I have only uploaded the basic set and many more options are on their way. I have planed at least 2 more complete set and several special individual additions so keep checking back to expand your collection.

Which do you need:
     I have (and will continue for the new additions) to upload “duplicate” items. They will be designated as Basic or MGAL. The difference is only in how they are cataloged.
 For those who have either Mansions & Garden stuff  or Apartment Life Expansion (or both) you have a catalog option that is otherwise unavailable: Build mode / Construction / Architecture.

It is designated by an ionic bracket located 2nd from right on the bottom row. This catalog section is relatively empty as only those 2 packs use it and it allows for repeated purchasing (you don’t have to select for every piece) These factors makes this cataloging preferable, however even with these added packs you may choose to use the basic sets. If you don’t have either one or the other MGAL designated items will not show up in your catalog - USE BASIC SETs.
     Basic sets are cataloged under Buy Mode / Decorative / Miscellaneous,

which is already rather congested with numerous items but the base game dose not really have any other viable options. With these sets I strongly recommend setting up a collection folder to help keep all your NewWalls objects together & easy to find. Basic set is also available by room sort and community sort under “Other”.

Personal note: I really like Mansions & Garden stuff and recommend getting it if you haven’t already. Most of the stuff packs I don’t think are worth the expense but this one is. (My opinion only of course)

What it is:
      The NewWalls System is a collection of trims, moldings and wainscot add-ons. They can be used on almost all Maxis wall coverings as well as most standard formatted custom walls. However it is best used with 4 way tileable wall patterns (Generally: any that do not have trim already pained on). This type of wall pattern allows for wonderful design possibilities when constructing multi storied walls, overhanging balconies an the like because the uninterrupted portion of the wall can have a seamless pattern trimmed only where it should be.
     NewWalls trimmings are also 3D meshed allowing better visuals achieved by natural highlights & shadows. Another advantage to the 3D mesh trimmings over the standard flat painted ones is seen at wall edges such as corners and terminal ends. Because NewWalls trim is 3D it adds shape, volume & dimension in these areas. Far more realistic! A complete set will include Crown molding, Chair rail, Wainscot, & baseboard. Each of these have the primary form, an outside corner and an end cap for terminal walls. The baseboard, Chair rail & wainscot also has left and right stair angles.: See “ Magic” section below.
     For those who are mesh conscious: I do endeavor to minimize my vertices and planes as much as possible without having to be excessive on the size of the texture file or sacrificing form. A wainscot panel for example only has 2 faces & 4 vertices.

The choice Revolution:

Here is a page from my in-game walls catalog showing a variety of wall papers, the “Gratuitous” wallpaper  set is highlighted as this set is what I will use in the following examples. As you already know (and can see in the illustration) with the original system you have 1 catalog entry for every option.


The “Gratuitous” Wallpaper set has 1 solid 4 way tileable and 6 available variables for a total of 7 entries and 7 options. This creates excessively burdensome catalogs while providing very little choice.
     For use with the NewWalls System we only need to have the 4 way tile basic pattern. And our NewWalls catalog entries.:

 These are the entries for base game Standard set (the one currently available) This set has 18 catalog entries (which will be common for all complete sets). In this set each form comes with 11 texture options. With this setup we get 78+ Options!

77 trim options, still retaining the untrimmed option, + stair angles (see magic section below). That’s 78+ choices for each & every base 4way tileable wall pattern. 10 4way walls gives 780+ design choices, Add another NewWalls Set (if it also has 11 textures) & 10 walls your available choices would be 1560 for a total catalog load of 46 entries! And that’s only calculating all matching textures (Like all white or all oak), But with this system you can mix textures a white baseboard & rail with oak wainscot etc. Base game comes with 57+ 4way tileable wall patterns. When this project is completed  the number of design options will be virtually unlimited.
Here are some examples of 2 story wall layouts possible trough use of the NewWall system that would not be possible with standard method (atleast not without a whole lot of wall files!).

     Try this with standard wall technique!


Yea right, like that’s possible. But it is with the NewWall systems left & right stair angle pieces.

 It’s magic! Now you can smoothly transition your walls from floor to floor. Yet another advantage to using the NewWall System.

Pre-Trimmed Wallpapers
     You can overlay NewWalls components to most pre-trimmed wall patterns. However the standard Baseboard dose not completely cover painted on wide baseboards (ie.: “Gratuitous“ wallpaper with kick molding has a wide baseboard). (The baseboard from my next set will). NewWalls units also don’t work well with panel formatted walls (ie.: “Frank Lee Scarlet” Paneling), or most walls that have boarders (ie.: “Hopalong” boarder on…). This system also is not well applied to special wall patterns (Ie.: “Churning Energy” or “the Happy little pattern” in …). The best wall patterns to use are un trimmed 4way tileable wall patterns.

Final notes
     I have used the “texture repository system” here. With the standard set you must have the baseboard (master) in order   to have the chair rail (slave). Crown & wainscot have their own textures.
 For a full selection of currently available NewWalls pieces enter NewWalls into the search box on TSR
 Searching 4way will show my selection of currently available 4way tileable wallpapers.
 As of 4-16-10 I have only the standard sets. Other sets & special add-ons will be available soon.

      Anyone wishing to add to the NewWalls collection with creations of their own are free to do so but please give me credit for concept / inspiration as the initial creator of the NewWall system.
      Wallpaper artists are encouraged to add “4way” to their keywords list if it applies to their wall pattern.
      All genuine SKS items bear my SKS logo.

Thank you for reading this posting and your interest in the NewWall System. Have fun & Play well.

Zoebot ∙ Mar 21, 2011

Hi - I'm discovering this quite late, admittedly, but I must say the ease of use and in-game look is great - thumbs up! I've tried and deleted numerous downloaded wallpapers over the last few months because a) the painted baseboard etc is either not crisp (blurry) or the white is almost grey; or b) there is only the option to have no baseboard and crown molding or both...but using your wall system everything looks crisp, complete, realistic and just how I want it! I re-installed some of the previously rejected wallpapers and they look almost unrecognizeable - thank you!

My only question is if these items can be placed on diagonal walls, and if so, how is this achieved? I've tried normally and using moveObjects cheat but not managing it...any advice or confirmation you can give would be much appreciated. Many thanks ;-)

miros1 ∙ Jul 5, 2010

Awesome idea!
Just double checking... do the M&G and basic sets use the same GUIDs so that one recolor will work with either?

missjaytee ∙ Jun 10, 2010

This is just fantastic - you're amazing - what a star!  Finally something that's REALLY useful and in a comprehensive set - thank you SO much!!! =)

LoydeH ∙ Apr 25, 2010

Let me just say one thing..... WHOA!
Seriously though, very nice and innovative. Congrats!

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