Member Blogs
Hi! I need your opinion.
To be honest, I would love to know what you think about my creations. I'm curious about your opinion on the visual design, as well as the way I present my work. Which option do you prefer? I have a variety of ideas and it's difficult for me to decide on one. I would appreciate your feedback as it would help me to understand your preferences and make informed decisions about my future projects. You can contact me by mail or via the block on Boost or Patreon.
Other ways
We still exist?
As you know, its been a while! School is no longer an issue. What a blast from the past this was! I would say stay tuned, but no guarantee will be made today.
Yours truly, Ethan :D
Testing blogs & introduction
Idrk what a blog is, so I'm testing. Hello! I'm Snowflake, I make base game recolors (BG) so far, however, I won't be posting the first one until it's done (or I'll just post it to Patreon). If you want to find me, I have a Google document with all my links in my description.
Oh, & I obviously love object shows! Here's a doc with my headcanons:
I like: music (Owl City, Andy Grammer, Rachel Platten, AJR, & Imagine Dragons to name a few), object shows (Inanimate Insanity, I love Lightbulb), The Sims 4 (duh.), FANDOM wikis, & LGBTQ stuff.

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After lots of hard work, I found a way to make it so that modular cabinets (and by that, I mean a cabinet set that fits into a single package) can light up like a normal light. It has all the quirk, without any inventory clutter! I also made a few glass objects that utilise refraction (which is something we don't often see in the game), and tried my best to make the metallics look realistic. Additionally To be clear, every single furnishing item in these screenshots has been made by me, and can be found on my patreon (link on my profile). I decided to only upload the lone cabinets to TSR on account of the poly sizes of the other objects being too large. |
My First Collection Base Game Recolor BubblegumheadCollectionPT1
1 Million!
Thank you everyone for helping me reach 1 million downloads!
I can't even begin to explain how happy I feel right now <3
I'ts been an amazing journey so far, and I hope to keep growing from here!
Important announcement!
Hello everyone, unfortunately, I have to inform you that due to my job change, my creations will now be released less frequently, but I will still try to please you with something new from time to time.
Hello folks! I finally managed to create for Sims 4 as well and today my first female Sims 4 simulation was released, which I'm really happy about.
Who knows what will come next ..
Why I hate New Years Eve
Its because I feel so sorry about all the poor animals which are suffering through terribly loud bangs from the New Year's Eve rockets and of course also for the people who are injured as a result - sometimes very seriously. I wish some people would be more sensible about this and think more about others.
The year 2024 has been very turbulent and I really miss some great people who are no longer here. Where ever they are now I hope they're happy.
May 2025 be good for everyone and filled with happiness, contentment and health. And I wish all artists awesome inspiration for their coming creations.
My first love
Sometimes I wonder why people say they love Sims 2 and hate Sims 3 or they love Sims 3 and hate Sims 4. Well, I think it's probably because of what game someone started with. And this could be the reason why someone loves sims 2 , 3 or 4 most. I'm addicted to Sims.
Often I hear that people particularly love Sims 2 and hate the other sims game. Maybe it's because it's harder to find new custom content and the game isn't really supported anymore. As is well known, you are more likely to hear criticism than praise.
I started with Sims 2 and played it without cheats. To be honest, I didn't even know such a thing existed back then. After that I discovered Sims 3 and then got stuck there. But I also play a little with Sims 4.
Each of these games has something great. In Sims 2, for example, I really liked that there were lots of games for the children and that toddlers learned to sing. I miss that in Sims 3. Buying clothes is also more realistic, poor Sims can't buy expensive clothes. In Sims 3 it doesn't matter how much money a Sims has. Anyone can figuratively afford a Prada dress, lol. But with Sims 3 there is the opportunity to travel and learn different skills. Also I love the unexpecting funny reactions from the sims In Sims 4 I think the EA plastic hair is just terrible and I don't really like the small towns either. But I like that the Sims have different gaits and that you can adjust their voice more individually.
Seen this way, every game has its charm and everyone can be happy with their favorite. Happy simming to all of you.
Happy Holydays
Wish all of you wonderful and peaceful Holydays!
Stay healthy and happy everyone and let's spend a wonderful time together in the coming year, hopefully with lots of new inspiration and creation.
I would like to say thank you for your lovely comments and suggestions.
A big hug to you all!
Your matomibotaki
New Milestone - One Billion downloads
Hey simmers ☺️
It's almost Christmas and today is a beautiful day to share with you all our new milestone: one billion downloads in TSR 🎅🤶🎁
Thank you all for your support, recognition, comments and likes 😄👍 Without you, we wouldn't be sharing this amazing news 💛️🎉
Taking this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas surrounded by love and Joy 🎄✨
Thaya and Paula
Hi! Not all of my creations are on The Sims Resource
I want to introduce you to my main blog on Boosty, where all my work has been published before. They are also being reviewed and tested. Anyone who would be interested in getting to know my work better is invited. I'll leave the link below
took some time off
ill be back soon with some more bridgerton stuff! ive been wiorkignon a bunch of wall paper and paintings! and soem stuff that i made myself!
About the problem with the fixed of walls
Hi everyone! ❤
About errors with wallpaper. Many people write that the wallpaper is broken. This happened after the update 1.108. An error with wallpaper occurs only when the game is launched for DX11, if you run the game for DX9, then there will be no problem.
I will correct all the broken wallpapers when I have the opportunity to test them on DX11. Now my game starts only for DX9, so there is no such opportunity (I am waiting for a new computer with support for DX11). I really hope that this will happen in the next couple of months. While I corrected all the wallpaper from the set of Shinoisri, as they were most requests. I hope they are displayed correctly (I can’t check).
Or you can correct all the broken wallpaper by Sims4 Studio (Fix for Walls) (´。• ᵕ •。`)
The Beginning
I've done it!
I've created my very first mod for the Sims 4!
It's not amazing, but it's something. It's a start and thats pretty rad. I've thought about making mods for the Sims 4 for so long, but have never taken the leap. I work full time and I'm a current student. I'm extremely introverted, I don't have many people that I truly consider 'friends' at all and I have disabilities that make it difficult for me to be myself and maintain relationships with people. I am also very empathetic, understanding and open-minded. I'm sure this all sounds very contradicting lol. I struggle with rejection and failure and I procrastinate a lot, and I grew up in a pretty 'strict' household and carry my past trauma with me still (which I know a LOT of us do) and it heavily impacts my decisions and day to day life. This has prevented me from doing a lot of things that I've wanted to do in my life, but I'm working on taking the reigns back into my own hands.
And yes, part of that is finally jumping into the amazing world of content creating (wow, that sounds amazingly scary for me to say/think about myself and makes me want to throw up lol). I'm hoping that with patience and a lot of emotional support that I will be able to continue my journey and become a great modded content creator for the Sims 4. I want to create all types of clothing, accessories, posters and skins. Maybe even furniture and script mods in the future. I will be nervously uploading my very first top and I hope to receive some good feedback and criticism to help me get better.
Here's hoping for the best.
I currently smell of bacon......
because i pork the night looking for exploits on the sims 4.
This is a test post.
Love is like a boomerang. All the love and kindness we give comes back to us. Maybe not right away, but sometime later.
This can be observed especially in the interpersonal area. Even in the Sims game, the nice ones are happier and live longer.
But why am I actually writing this? Well, because we live in a world where some people seem to only think about themselves, regardless of loss. Open conversations are no longer as popular, neither in the family nor in friendships nor in the world of work.
So what can we do? Remembering that love is like a boomerang and being fair to each other. And let's free ourselves from the pressure of always wanting to be better and smarter than others, because every person has their strengths and talents. Teamwork is dream work.
So please always remember: love and kindness are like a boomerang. Happy simming and all the best for everyone.
Thank you!!
I just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone who has supported me by downloading my content and commenting!
Thanks to all of you I have reached over 500k downloads and have been promoted to an Artist here on TSR.
I truly appreciate all the support and hope that I can continue making more accessories for you all <3
Featured Artist!
I still can't quite believe that I have been made a Featured Artist. It all still feels quite surreal at the moment, but I am so happy and it's all thanks to hard work, patience, and of course, YOU! Without your downloads and interaction, I don't think it would have been possible. So thank you! Thank you all!
Back on TSR
I don't think many people will see this as it's... oof - indeed 12 years ago I posted anything on here! And even longer that I've created CC (which was Sims2 back then of course).
Well, anyway - here I am! Yay! ;) I never stopped playing Sims even though I skipped Sims3 - I continued with Sims2 even after Sims4 was out there but eventually switched over. For several years I kept my CC to a minimum because it's such a struggle to update everything after patches... but there are still many themes I love to play (fantasy, medieval, scifi, ...) that are so much more fun with CC.
So for a few months now I've been browsing the community and downloading tons of stuff (I really have to cut down on that again...) and finally I was itching to create something myself again. I was always editing things in Sims 4 Studio, changing tags, deleting or correcting swatches, updating stuff etc. but just for personal use as it's not in accord with most creator's TOU.
Well, 2 days ago I put something together meant to be shared with you! I'll never be an industrious creator, never have been, but there are some recolors on my to-do list, so let's see!
Hey y'all :)
Sorry for being gone so long. I'm sure I've said it before, but my RL job requires me to be on site usually 3 weeks out of 4 each month, so my time to make custom sims is limited. However, I do keep track of my sims downloaded etc, in an effort to create content that Sims players want :)
It's been a while, but I am toying with making a new Sim soon, since I have a little time on my hands. Keep posted here to see when they're released :)
5 Million Downloads
Today I have reached 5 Million downloads. I started to create CC about a year ago and started to submit to TSR less than that, so it is a pretty big deal for me. I'd like to thank everyone who downloaded my CC and special thanks to those who left comments on my creations or wrote in my guestbook. Those kind words really encouraged me to keep going and helped me improve. :3
02/04/2024 Update - Rebrand
Hi everyone! ♥
I will be also reinstating my Patreon account soon too. I don't have a solid timeframe when it's going to be but I hope that I will have content for you within 2-3 months time.
Hope you all will have a great rest of you day!
xx Caroll
Thany you all and bye bye !
Thank you to all contributors and to TSR. Today I uninstalled permanently Sims4. There's so many bugs that I have no pleasure anymore to play this game. I tried all advices to solve all the issues that keep coming up. The only solution - but with no guarantee at all - will be to spend hours to re-download the game and all extensions and to use my mods and saves backup. I lost too many time and lost my patience. It's over.
Contributors you are doing a great job. Thank you for it !
1 Million Downloads!!!
I still can't quite believe that I've hit over 1 million downloads! I am so grateful to each and everyone of you that has downloaded my cc. Here's to the million lol
Lunar Silver Star Ideas
I'm watching a game walkthrough call "Lunar Silver Star" so my question is has anyone tried to make the hair styles from the game or is there a way to make the hair styles?
Snoop dog
This guy play's the Sims, you see how many Snoop Dee-Ohh-Double-Gee advertisements there are on here? I can see him playing Sims.
Peaceful Holidays
- Wish everyone a peaceful and contemplative holiday. I would like to thank you for the encouraging comments and the friendly feedback on my creations and look forward to 2024. A good, healthy and peaceful 2024!!!
🎄Merry Days to all of you🎄
🎁 🦌 Since the beginning of 2004 that I am an active member of The sims resource I have lived many changes as I have seen the site growing. I feel for TSR as I feel for a family next to mine. I have welcome smart creators with bright ideas, I have said goodbye to creators that left forever and unfortunately not only from TSR and I felt sadness for all these people that I have missed because of their different choices. During these days The sims resource is dressed its festives clothes but I believe this year has overcome itself. I am a Christams kid the last 68 years and I am happy that our neigborhood is so festive . More or less 20 years ago I started sending wishes to everyone's gb ( creators, downloaders, admins) I was so happy a few years later to see that people adopted the idea and started wishing to everyone. I am not sure if I manage to send a wish to each one of you this year too. Forgive me if I miss someone's gb . Stiil I want you to know that I love all of you and I am proud for all creators . I enjoy everything you do! I WISH YOU HAPPINESS AND JOY FOR THESE DAYS AND A PROSPERUS AND CREATIVE NEW YEAR, See you around;)🎁 🦌
Humbled, yet curious
Because of my job, I've been away more than I've been home, so my custom Sims production has suffered a bit. So, once I finally had time, I thought I had a sim that would be great for download. I dressed her up, ran her though the paces, made sure her clothes looked good (even though y'all can change everything upon download.. we all know that, but we need to make em pretty for that purpose.. LOL)
I also had to deal with the new submission system that is really different from what I'm used to. No biggie.. I managed to get through it (after 3 rejections, but kudos to the staff for working with me.. LOL).
Anyways..she was released, and I was waiting to see how many ppl love her...and...well....not many.
Its ok for a sim to not be desiriable for download! I've had many of those that just dont satisfy the fan base.
If anything, y'all are teaching me to look for new trends, or things that you like in custom sims...and I'm all about it :)
If you have something you'd like to see, let me know!
Just be forewarned...I dont do recreactions of famous people. I'm not good at that. If you want Jennifer Aniston or such, seek out @jolea or others. My sims are born out of a sim I see that has potential, then I customize them for release :)
So..about that new sim.. LOL
So I did my best under the new system. Overall, it seems more smooth to use, but there def is a learning curve at first. The clothing / item submission section is more streamlined. The only confusion I met was with content "outside of TSR" and TSR content. Finally figured that out, and my sim tested out ok, and is on the market.
Again, I'm open to trying to make sims you want to see. I have to stress again that I cannot do likenesses...I tried. I suck.. LOL. See Jolea or such for things like that (if she doesn't mind me mentioning her). I am good with making female sims, teen to adult. Give me an idea of theme you want, and I'll do my best.
Reminder, I've had the entire month of October at home, but I go back to my work site tomorrow (Nov 5th), so I cant start anything for two weeks.
Thanks for reading :)
So I finally had some time at home to string together to make a new Sim! Buuuuttt...I had to navigate the new submission system that was installed while I was away.
It's def different. Very efficient in a lot of areas that weren't before, but the learning curve took me a little (and make take others more depending on their experience).
Waiting to see if my newest upload makes it without errors. I think I did all I needed to do, but again, new system, so I may have missed something :)
SIMcredible's 20th anniversary 🥳️
Yay! Today is the day! On the evening of Thursday's October the 2nd 2003 we launched our website! It was under the Sims1 era and we had only 5 sets on that day. Slowly, we've created more and more, migrated to every new version of the Sims and today, we can share with you our numbers 😊
- 183 The sims 1 sets
- 187 The sims 2 sets
- 290 The sims 3 sets
- 343 The sims 4 sets so far (and counting...)
- over 845 million downloads only at TSR...
And we would like to thank you for being with us since whenever you started to download our files 😄 Thank you for your support, your messages, your comments and all your likes! We are very happy for being part of your games for so long now 💚
And today, you can get our festive set at TheSimsResource. "Party like the 20s" is a 2 parts set, with the party we would like to give to our "son" SIMcredible! Hope you enjoy celebrating this party with us 🥂 🥳️
Thank you for celebrating our milestone with us and... may our endeavor keep growing and bringing beauty and fun to your games for many more years! 🙏
Thaya & Paula 💚💙
Sorry for the delays!
My job has me gone 2 weeks and home one week, pretty much on a cycle, so I dont play as much as I'd like, but I do owe y'all a new sim here sometime soon!
Couple my schedule with the fact my Razer KB is borked (going to get a new one tomorrow), its slowing me down. I have a sim in the chamber I'm working on. Again, trying for quality over quantity (and looking at the last time I posted one, definitely not cranking them out.. lol)
Stick with me...I'll deliver.. I promise :)
Behind Schedule
Yesterday's patch threw my mods and cc into disarray. I think I've got the mods sorted, now I'm working through the cc. Figured it was a good opportunity to clean things up a little bit. Anyhoo, it means I've not been working on any new rooms. This is the good thing about knowing me yet, I can take me time and no one will complain.
To add insult to injury I've been quite sick. Feeling a little better now. I promise I will get back to making pretty and functional rooms ASAP.
Stay slinky & happy Simming ☺
Back again
I'm back! I'll be uploading new stuff soon! I decided to give another opportunity to TS4, but then, for some reason, the Gallery stopped working, even though it's supposedly fixed by EA, not working to me, so I'm reinstalling it, too see if it works. I kinda forgot about the game, I like that some things area really realistic, but i really miss stuff like the Sims 3 (Adventures, opportunities, caves, underworlds, tombs adventures, etc). But I plan to give another opportunity to the game anyway, lol. I saw there is an EP where there are llamas, I think I need it xDDDDD.
a huge shoutout! ❤️❤️❤️
a huge shoutout and biggg thanks! for all the lot artists!!
i tried making my own house in the game.. it took me hours hahaha but still i can't make a perfect house haha. It wasn't easy!!! So i decided to binge download alot of houses here hahaha so kudos to all lot artists! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
you guys rock! you are all lifesavers! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ thank you thank you thank you! I'm a big fan of all lot artists!