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Created for: The Sims 4
This mod means you never have to pay for Retail Perks again.....V.2 UPDATED Apr 17, 2017. I have updated My Free Retail, Restaurant and Club Perks mod. It now contains the new Bowling Club Perk.
I found it very annoying the amount of time it takes to accumulate enough points to be able to Purchase Retail Perks for my Sims to use.
So spend a fortune (lol.... nothing at all) in the Perks department.
Of course you will need to have Get To Work installed for this mod to work.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1325286
ItemID: 1325286
Revision: 5
Filesize: 57 KB
This mod is compatible with the latest version
It was made with Sims 4 Deluxe version as well as all Game Packs, Expansion packs and Stuff packs that have been released for The Sims 4
Credits: Sim4Studio
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