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Created for: The Sims 4
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Kenzi is a fully furnished and decorated bedroom.
Size 6x7
Value $ 10,500
Short Walls
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1703638
ItemID: 1703638
Filesize: 57 KB
- Recoloring Allowed: No
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
- Besta Ceiling Spot Lamp
- Manchester 3CeilingLight
- Felicity Living Room - Lowered Ceiling With Light
- Bedroom Greta - Ceiling Spot Light
- Arcum - Marble Wall Panel
- netsims - beyond - artwork - requires city living
- Antimony End Table (Ver-2)
- Clarity Plant Large
- Suavis Side table
- MinimalSIM - Dusicyon Table Lamp
- Burlington Bed
- Bedroom Lynn - Blanket_V1
- Daydreamer 1 pillow
- Inside Out Dining - Bench
- VEOX Rugs 12
- Europium Pouf
- Enigma Curtain
- Solatium bookcase 2
- [Regatta] - driftwood
- Bedroom Kalea Plant
- Masala Mosthera
- Suavis Wall TV
- Vibe Door
- Theorem Hallway - mirror
- Dream on 1 - Cloth rack| jarusims
- Bedroom Almond - Dresser
- Calligaris purse
- Rhenium Clothes
- Morning Coffee Candle
- MinimalSIM_Bedroom Hattie Pillows
- Bedroom Minimal Sim - Vase Plant Deco
- Berkshire Bathroom Decor Shoes
- Belmont Women's Heeled Shoes
- Calligaris sandals
- Wood Panel 8
- Wood Wall 31
- Solatium fireplace with logs
- Arcum - Window (Low Wall)
- TUZ Wood Floors