BetterbeSim (566864)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (830 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Early Spring Livingroom
Published Jan 21, 2006
About Me
I started making Sim2 skins (Spring 2004) just to kill time before the game was released. Soon became creating for Sims an absolute obsession, and even more when SimPe made it possible to recolor objects. Making meshes seemed way too complicated at first but after a lot of trial and errors I have learned how to makes meshes. Now, I prefer to make objects en furniture. The combination of meshing, mapping and texturing is very time-consuming but also very rewarding.
I focus on modern/contemporary designs, that's the style I like most, with a lot of attention for small details because I enjoy making it as authentic as possible.
Comments are allways appriciated and feel free to write something in my guestbook or even to PM for any reason.
My Latest Updates Show All
Permission to recolor my meshes.Written Mar 16, 2008
I retired from making stuff for TSR a long time ago and don't log in to TSR that often anymore. But I still get requests from user who want permission to recolor my meshes. Since I rarely read those requests in time, here is a message to all TSR users and Sim's lovers: Every single mesh made by me is free to recolor. I hereby give permission to do so. So no need to ask, feel free... ...More
A little updateWritten May 12, 2007
It has been such a long since I wrote something in my blog. Even such a long time since I visited my page here at TSR. A lot has happened in the past year. I am recovering from a heavy WOW addiction and moved on to other things. Mainly 3D applications and graphic tools. To answer the many requests: I don't think I will be returning to the Sims. Not in the near future at least. I want... ...More
More tulips!!Written Jan 26, 2006
While working hard on a new bathroom (new meshes), I took some time off to make a recolorset of the tulips from the Early Spring set. Yes, more tulips to lure spring our way! Available next week, or even this weekend. Depends.... will I be good or will be lazy :D ...More
My Guestbook Show All
vnv4Apr 16, 2017
Your items are just beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing.
jes sale Mar 27, 2015
great stuff! thanks for sharing!
paulabMar 01, 2015
I still love Sims 2 best of all the Sims games and I can't play without your beautiful creations. Thanks so much.