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BuffSumm's Guestbook

juliediaz76Oct 7, 2013

I have been looking for sets that match my style and taste. I love all your sets, Thanks so much \:D

julle073Oct 5, 2013

Hello. I still look forward to the bookcase in the Linea series\:confused\:, but it seems you are very busy. keep on making new and great things for us to place in our houses. \:rah\:

mara3004Oct 3, 2013

Hello sweetie! Just wanted to say thank you for all your hard work in making all of these 50's style furniture sets you've been making. I really appreciate it. I've always loved the look of classic furnishings, especially from this era. I was wondering, if it's not too much to ask, and if you have time,; if you would also consider making classic furniture sets from the 40's, 30's, 20's, 10's. \:D I see furniture in old movies from those era's and I've always loved the look of them, but nobody has ever bothered to make them. You could be the first!\:D I know it's a lot to ask, and I ask it of you only when and if you have time.I know lot's of other Simmers would probably love them as much as I would. Thank you so much for everything. \:wub\: \:rah\:

martoeleOct 2, 2013

JC! Andrea! You are just so creative! I've had a close look at your minisite and I'm completely in awe by all the things I saw you made... \:wub\: I know you are very good in making small objects and I was looking if you had something similar to a very primitive small send/receiver box which I need for my actual story but unfortunately I didn't find any. I will have to try and make it myself. \:\( Anyway I had a wonderful time admiring all your stuff...! OMG... all those small objects for embalming! \:wub\:

DOTSep 26, 2013

Thanks so much for your kind comment on my work hun, much appreciated \:\)

KrissSep 18, 2013

Hi Andrea! Thanks for your sweet comment. \:wub\:

cubbySep 18, 2013

Love your 50s kitchen set so much! So much detail and true to form. You are very gifted!! Thank you for sharing your talent! - Cubby

ath3lasSep 7, 2013

Amazing Talent so detailed in everything well done\:D

fredbrennyAug 28, 2013

Thanks my dear!!! \:wub\:

FlovvAug 23, 2013

Danke schön für die nette Kommentar! Entschuldigung wgen die Spätung, ich war nicht zu Hause. \:wub\:\:wub\: Hab' eine super Woche! \:wub\:\:wub\:

YansaAug 11, 2013

Can you make Dog agility objects? and Kennel objects like muzzles,leashes,collars,dog food bags..etc?

RosemountgirlAug 9, 2013

please make the wheelchair set FREE please look at all your comments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PralinesimsAug 8, 2013

Thank you for the lovely feedback!!!!!!!! Have a super awesome weekend!!!!♥♥♥ danke meine süße!!!

Josiegirl67Jul 30, 2013

I just had to write a note to let you know how much I appreciate and adore your wonderful creations. I love nothing more than building houses and filling them with your beautiful furnishings. You have a rare talent

RoxxyandoJul 29, 2013

\:wub\: I love the Carribean Build Set Part 1 and 2 its just what I needed and wanted. I wanted to build a resort in IP and wanted something special to do it with and you did it, thank you so much perfect timing. Both sets are very special, lovely and I can hardly wait to use them. Excellent Work!!\:wub\:\:cool\:\:wub\:\:rah\:\:rah\:

sylvia54Jul 25, 2013

Danke schön süße für deinen lieben Kommi \:wub\:\:wub\:

PietaEversongJul 20, 2013

Just wanted to send you a link of the Resort I made using your Simperial Sets. Its too big for TSR upload, so I guess I'll just have to show you pictures. Thanks for making such great cc! https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.545383635526128.1073741825.129636487100847&type=1&l=2de79a5620

jasmine123962Jul 11, 2013

I absolutely LOVE your hotel furniture!!

julle073Jul 9, 2013

I love the Linea series, thanks for making and sharing. I have only one small request: a bookcase!!! I was wery surpriced that it didn't belong to the kids room. Please make a bookcase that fits\:\)

LittleGrizzlyJul 9, 2013

Da ich weiß, dass Du Deutsch sprichst muss ich mir nun glücklicherweise keinen abbrechen: Erstmal Danke dass die Rezeption upgedatet wurde. Dein Hotelset ist ja momentan überaus sinnvoll. Kann ich die Buffets auch in meinen Resorts nutzen oder fehlt da dann was? Wenn ja, werden die auch upgedatet? Freue mich auf viele weitere Downloads von Dir \:\)

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