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ChazDesigns's Guestbook

orangemarker10Jun 28, 2009

where do idk where to subcribe u...plzzz reply back

zahraaaaaaJun 27, 2009

Hey i love ur design its so cool,, it looks like real.. can u tell me wer i can subscribe? coz im new this 2 website.. much appreciated and love ur design\:\)

DovdGraafJun 23, 2009

Hey, I'm new on this site and.. where can I clck to subscribe you?

midge719Jun 22, 2009

I was wondering if you will be doing any male form sims, it would be nice for a change, or are you just concentrating on le femme fatale's.\:\(

Fossy90Jun 22, 2009

I love your works, especially Britney (because i'm a her's big fan!!) are amazing, and they seems so realistic... i don't know if you have time, but please can you make a version of Britney with The sims 3?? I tried to make one, but i'm not convinced!!!! thanks XOXO :P

gbutterworthJun 17, 2009

I love your work.  How long will it be before you start creating for sims 3? I'm looking forward to seeing your new sims.

MeltemsJun 12, 2009

you are the perfect one ..

nikkl1Jun 11, 2009

heeey!! first of all, you're amazing!!!! i love your work! now i have a question... could you please please please please make a sara paxton? i so love her. thx

victorpaulo17Jun 8, 2009

Hi Chaz, I love your job, and I always renew my subscription just to get your sims. Now that the Sims 2 is over and The Sims 3 is out (and it's AMAZING) I would love to download yout Britney Spears Versions for THE SIMS 3 specially if you put the hair with it as you show on the picture, I'd definetely keep on Subscribing and buying most of your creations! Hope to see that soon. Thanks Victor

mikeweavJun 8, 2009

hello, i loved the girls aloud sims you did for the sims 2, would you be able to do them again but this time for the sims 3, that would be amazing, and i would download it for sure \:D

DemioooJun 7, 2009

Hey : ) I'm wondring i f i could get the Britney spears stuff becaus i don't know how do subscribe soo can i ?   Please answar in mine guest book back \:\)   Hug Demi

vivsan55Jun 7, 2009

Hi \:\) You are one of my favorite designers, your work is awesome! It would be wonderful if you please could make Heidi Klum for Sims3. \:\) Kind regards Vivsan

professorsnape86Jun 7, 2009

You are such an awsome and incrediable sim designer can you make some star trek sims please? I would really apreciate it

sara_ashleyJun 6, 2009

Thanks so much for sharing your work with all of us ! You are truly talented at all of this ! Most people may be talented at doing objects or hair or clothing, but you are so good at all of it !! I have literally spent hours just looking at all of your work !! Thanks again ! Sara

Picasso2Jun 3, 2009

Hi Chaz, your creations are amazing! Do you take requests? You did such a wonderful job on Jonathan Rhys Meyers from "The Tudors". Are you planning on making any more characters from that show? I love it! Would love to have a sim made of Natalie Dormer that played Anne Boleyn. I can't seem to find a sim of her anywhere or Jonathan for that matter until now. Again you did an absolutely amazing job on him.  Thanks!

HeadstrongCraazyJun 2, 2009

Hi, I just wanted to say, I absolutely LOVE your creations. Your celeb Sims are AWESOME!! I love the newer Ashley Tisdale one & I love the Leighton Meester one too. I'm gonna be downloading so much of your work. I was just wondering if I could possibly request a few for you to make? If you have the time, because they are ones that I would LOOOVEEE to have; - As you've already done an AWESOME job with Leighton Meester & Blake Lively (Blair & Serena from Gossip Girl) I was also wondering if you could do a Chace Crawford, Ed Westwick, Penn Badgley, Taylor Momsen & Jessica Szohr (Nate, Chuck, Dan, Jenny & Vanessa) - An updated Jennifer Love Hewitt (like from the current Season of Ghost Whisperer)       - An updated Holly Marie Combs, Alyssa Milano & Rose McGowan (like from Season 8 of Charmed)    - Angelina Jolie I hope those are some you could possibly add to your list to make! (: I'm always subscribing to this website & those are definately some of your work I'd like to see! xoxo

dekanjorrdaannMay 31, 2009

hey chaz i have always loved your creations for the sims 2.  i would also love it if your carry your talent on to the sims 3. do you plan on doing so?

barbarapazzMay 31, 2009

CHAZ! OMG I'm embaressed but look I asked you to make Anthony Kiedis for the sims 2 , right? But I'm gonna buy the sims 3 so if you really don't mind Could you make A.K for the sims 3? Because if you make for 2 i wont be able to play with him on my new game and I know it would be a lil bit too much if a I asked you to make for both games .. I really want him , so if you'll make him I'll be very very grateful for that! Thank you so much, you are always very patient with me haha and I freaked out when I saw that you had answered to my request for making Ian S . Tnks again !

barbarapazzMay 31, 2009

Chaz !! hope you don't mind ! but i'm here again to ask you to make Anthony Kiedis from Red Hot Chili Peppers ! Please please.. i'm waiting for this for so long .. I've searched for him on the whole internet I just can't find one . I really need him in my game , so please , could you do me this HUGE favor ? Thnks sooooooo soo much !

chelleys2007May 29, 2009

Hey Chaz!! I luv ur work and ur sims are beautiful. i think ur display sim is beautiful, do u think u could possibly re-make it or somthing? I love it and would very much like to have it. Thanks so much for ur amazing work!                **Blondie**

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