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ChazDesigns's Guestbook

Melissa FelvusMar 16, 2009

Chaz You are amazing! I have been playing the sims since my daughter was a baby, now she is playing and we LOVE your creations! She is spoiled by you. She will only download your sims, When you released the Hills Girls she was running around the house screaming with excitement. Now she has all of them married to Zach Efron. Thank You for all of your hard work.\:wub\:

ys00seriousMar 8, 2009

Amazing! Is there any way you could make the cast of Pushing Daisies? They're all pretty people with interesting faces. (the truth is they all kind of look like sims already \:D )

joy.giovanniMar 8, 2009

Hi Chaz! You are very good, I love your creations are wonderful! But, good because you do not make Demi Lovato? I would be the first to fall HAHAHA \:D

ladytaurus67Mar 7, 2009

Hello! I was going through and looking for some free Sims to download into my game. I ran across your creations and visited your page. My mouth hit the floor!!! I am so absolutely amazed in how true-to-life your sims are! You are brilliant! \;\) \:D

lukem77Mar 7, 2009

Hi, you sims are really excellent, especially your Heroes sims. i was just wondering though, if you could make another zachary quinto sim, this time without the stubble, so more of a gabrielle gray feel to him. i don't mind if you don't make him. it would just be really cool, and also i could easily make my spock sim look right. well, thats all. hope you make more sims. byee\;\)

Irate ProphetMar 6, 2009

Hey....okay so OMG you are SO good! I love your stuff...It's really top notch! I was wondering if you take requests? If you do, could you create Adam Lambert from American Idol? He's so cute and talented...I'd just love to have him in my game! I wouldn't ask anyone else to do it because I don't think they'd do even half a good job as you...your work is simply in a league of it's own!   Thanks!! \:\)

GretiuMar 3, 2009

You are an artist! Congratulations!

sweetshortie84Mar 3, 2009

I LOVE your sims! You are so talented! Can you tell me when you are going to release the FRIENDS sims? I am very excited about those!

kimloveshistoryMar 2, 2009

Your work is terrific!   Do you take requests?   I've been trying to find someone to make a Kevin Spacey sim for a looooong time....

ornyxFeb 28, 2009

you are really good, congratulations for your work ^__^

celin_97Feb 27, 2009

hi chaz love the celebrity sims u make. they're soo alike 2 the real one. can u some day make pussy cat dolls?

Adele_SimMakerFeb 26, 2009

First of all, I just want to say how brilliant your work is and secondly, I'd like to suggest a few ideas for future projects...Brendan Fraser, Hugh Jackman, Gwen Stefani's outfits from 'What You Waiting For?', Brittany Murphy (blonde), Anna Faris, Steve Tyler (from Aerosmith), James Marsters (Spike from BtvS).

x-anna-xFeb 24, 2009

Hey (: I just wanted to say ... YOUR DOWNLOADS ARE COOL AMAZING I LOVE THEM :p THANKS Anna x

simlover89Feb 23, 2009

Hey, Just passing through and thought id drop you a line and say how stunning your designs are, their a real delight  to add on to the sims. Keep up the good work \:D

colleen87Feb 23, 2009

hi! just wanted to say i love how real you make your sims look and i was wandering if you would ever make one of Haley Williams from Paramore? i haven't found one of her anywhere and i know you'd do a greats job!

gerrybutlerFeb 18, 2009

Hi Chaz First of all, thank you for all your feature item!! I have many chaz creation on my sims bank download. But I'm sad for one thing, on your poll, you doesn't have twilight theme. With de crazyness of twilight too many people will dowload this sims. Is not a pure request than a suddgestion. So thank you for all that you do. P.s: I'm sorry if Have mistake on this, usually I Speaking and Writting in french ^^   Leah\:o  

Love4oneAnotherFeb 16, 2009

Hi Chaz - I love your Sims. The women of Wisteria Lane are especially beautiful. Do you know of anyone who made the men? Playing with the women just isnt' the same without the men to drive them crazy, LOL.  Love4OneAnother  

djbertFeb 14, 2009

You are fantastic!  You should do the Pussycat Dolls with their new image. Do you dare?

midge719Feb 14, 2009

Chaz I tried to pm you, however it wont work? I have something you may be interested in, Please send me a pm when you have chance. Hugs Midge\:wub\:

.::.jamelia.::.Feb 13, 2009

heyy chaz!!! i was hoping you can upload the miley cyrus hair! its my fave thanks!

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