Back to College
Today I enrolled in a new college course on Illustration which starts in a couple of weeks.I cant wait to get started,I enjoy learning far more now than I did in my younger years.Lol not that I am that old,yet!
I will still be creating things for TSR,as normal.Creations are a little bit slower in coming at the moment, because I am in the thick of learning the meshing process.A late starter in that, as many creators and fellow FA'S are well established in meshing already.Initially when I first tried, it frustrated me so much I completely lost interest.Right now I cant stop making meshes,I am testing my first 2 objects before I upload.The rest will come much later, when I have better experience and know how.I am fussy with my creations and wont submit until I am completely happy with it.
I dont know where this new found enthusiam for meshing has come from,but right now I cant seem to leave it alone.