Honnoi Preview
Next on my list of uploads Honnoi previewed here.Sometimes I wish I could whip up a recolor in just a couple of hours.It never works that way at all,I was thinking today how much thought really goes into a room recolor.How absorbed one gets in choosing colour, texture,design and complimenting furntiure.How wonderful it feels when everything comes together nicely,and yet frustrating on other times when nothing seems to flow as you would like it to.
Sometimes you get it just as you like first time and then other times redo,redo and redo.That final feeling of satifaction that comes from achievement and completion lasting only momentarily until the next idea pops in your head.Then off you go again,going over the same excited creative urge and process all over again.Well that was just my thought's for today!
From now on in my future rooms ,that may have reflective floors in the set.I realise that not everyone wants or has powerful pcs to enable them to use the reflective floors alot in their game.So I will add the Homecrafter version also.
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