CrimsonViscosity (3771376)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (3 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Bloomingten Hill
Published May 28, 2011
About Me
Hello and welcome to my page, grab yourself something to drink and pull up a chair. My name is Cody, I am twenty years of age, and I am currently going to college to major in Spanish. As a creator on TSR my goal is to provide Lots that people can enjoy and enhance their Sim experience. Your feedback is very important to me, so please leave it! Whether it be it a simple thanks, suggestions, etc. it will help me improve as a Lot builder because feedback allows me to know how I am doing!
My Latest Updates Show All
Joplin Mo TornadoWritten May 23, 2011
If there are any TSR members who live in Joplin or near Joplin/have family in Joplin I give you my prayers. I myself live near Joplin and am fine but that is not quite the story for many. Often with diasters it is hard to digest the magintude of devastation that can be left behind because it is not personally effecting you. It is quite a different story though when you are amongst the... ...More
The house that toppled over!Written May 20, 2011
Upon accident I stumbled upon a foreign site that I believe is Korean and at this site is a brilliant creator that makes Lots for Sims 3. These Lots are no ordinary creations by no means, they are CFE masterpieces and his/her creations are mind blowing. Could make a grown man weep from the sheer beauty. The Lots struck me as very inspirational and as a beginning creator for Sims 3 I feel that... ...More
Now a TSR contributor.Written May 04, 2011
After lurking on TSR for many years without an account I have decided I am going to start pitching in my creations, so here I am. I apologize for the lack of downloads and getting up downloads is going to be a slow process especially with school coming to a close. I booted up Sims 3 and decided I was going to become a Lot creator with little... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
RebeccaJeanine71Jan 29, 2012
AWWWWWW... I am SOOOO SLACK at responding (almost a year later ...)... I hadn't been by here seriously for a long time ...but wow, when I read your guestbook sign, I was just BEAMING w/ happiness.. I am SOOOOO EXTREMELY thankful for your AWESOME sweet comment!!!! THANK YOUUUU BUNCHES !!!!! Now I am going to check your page out ... HUGGGGS
MaddenProDec 23, 2011
Best wishes for Merry Christmas and Happy New Year -MP.
CyclonesueJul 17, 2011
Hello Cody! I want to apologise (for my lateness) and thank you for your brilliantly funny comment on my Sewage Treatment Works. I must admit I did find it humorous that little children could play on the side and land in a pile of doo-doo but others were not as spectacularly amused as me. I had an absolute blast making that lot though! Sue