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Cyclonesue's Blog

Ooh! Clean!

And so they should be!  

Dirty little Sims!  No more running through the house in wet cozzies straight out of the pool.  No indeed - time for the Changing Room, a place of singular horror residing in the dark memories of school-days gone by.

Yes, my new set is a cleaning-up thing.  I can't believe it.  Naturally, all that shiny stuff offers equally grotty variations that are more in my style.  So what's coming?

  • A working sliding curtain for cubicles (and separate fixed-open version - shown)
  • Stackable, recolorable lockers
  • Communal inter-connecting showers (for bold Sims)
  • Single shower for cubicle use (shy Sims!)
  • Sports bag - allows change of clothes when placed on the floor
  • Cubicle 1-tile wall-mounted bench
  • 3-tile full bench both with and without clothes pegs
  • Deco objects for pegs and benches
Depending on your Sims household, you can opt for open communal showers, or you can build your own shower and changing cubicles for total privacy with the curtain (open and sliding curtains both offer privacy).  Unfortunately, without some nasty little script modding, it's not possible to remove the 'privacy' requirement of showers.  If EA ever makes a communal shower, then I'll updates these.  In the meantime, make sure your Sims are all good friends if you want them to share.


Back so soon?!

Okay, scratch what I said before.

When I posted in June, I felt I owed it to people who come to my page to mention that I was no longer active, so I did. It had been six months since I'd last created anything - far too long, and so I handed in my dog-tags to TSR and said I was done. They said: "Whew!" I said: "Call me when Sims 4 happens."  I heard guffaws of laughter behind the closed (hastily bolted) doors where I should instead have heard: "Of COURSE we will!"!

And now here I am creating again!  The creative bug has bitten.  I have 9 pieces of the set finished - a sneak-peek of which is shown here.  

As if the game wasn't already full of useless pap!


The time has come...

If you hadn't noticed already by the tumbleweed blowing across my minisite, I haven't been terribly active for rather a long time, and so I've decided to step down for now. I'm no longer creating for The Sims and I'm no longer playing any active role in staff and admin here either, so for now I'm saying goodbye - but in the words of some big bossy guy, "I'll be back" - maybe. If there's a future Sims game that isn't locked down into fairyland pretty mode, you can bet your butt on it! Until then, I likely won't be here to answer personal messages and such, so should you ever encounter any rogue creations, simply 'report' them and a staff member will contact me. I just want to thank every downloader who ever downloaded something I made and put it in their game. There is no greater honour for a creator than that. And of course a BIG thank you to TSR!

Experts in the Bleeding Obvious walk this way!

The urban viaduct: something I've built for every Sims game - only in Sims 3 you get to build your own.  Well, I expect I'll build one too for all those who positively hate building (and for my own ego-gratification from succeeding in building a row of boxes in the name of lot design).  But you don't have to have my lot this time; just don't even contemplate making a better viaduct than mine, because I'll have to come destroy your PC if you do.

So far, the set contains a steel rail bridge (fence), rail track (fence), brick arch (decorative curtain-thing), sized-to-fit 3-tile windows (er, windows) and a notable absence of doors because I haven't had the patience to make any yet.  Everything else in the piccie you've already got, unless you kept fluffy hills, fluffy trees and fluffy bunnies in your game instead.  The fact you're even at my minisite gives me hope for you though.

And I LOVE that fabulous subway grate that came with, er, um, [insert-name-of-pack].  Anyway, thank you EA!!!  Who knew it could be this cool?!  Makes a great top-surface for the steel bridge.  Anyone wishing to point out about how the rail track stops dead at a barrier will be unceremoniously awarded my Golden EBO award (Expert in the Bleeding Obvious).  Yes, I know it does.  I'm currently inventing some grisly story (a.k.a excuse) in my head about it.



And a new picture to show taller viaducts (the arches like to be placed on walls so I used the moveobjects cheat...

Fixes you should download (NOT Pet fixes)!

I've been fixing content - making improvements that are long overdue.  Trouble is: even though they'll be listed in your Updated Content page, they'll probably be buried in your Pets-fixed stuff, so I'm going to list here what has been fixed and why. 

In every case, please uninstall the original before installing the replacement.  Unless otherwise stated, the replacements will reappear in lots where you've used them because the replacements have retained their same internal ID numbers...



Details of fixes and what you need to download are set out below:



Gravestone set - complete overhaul

This entire set has been updated and improved.  Every item can now be placed on slopes, repeat-buy is enabled and faulty sunshadows have been fixed.

Note: the original skull file could not be opened, so this new skull will not replace the old (you'll need to re-add it to anywhere you used the skull).  Everything else in the set will replace the old.

Ghastly Graves set


Prison set - bedding and desk slots fixed

The RigFixer did not fix bedding problems and so I fixed these myself, and the desk lost its computer-placement slot too.

Top bunk (ladder on right)
Top bunk (ladder on left)

Single cot bed (and bottom bunk)
Wall-mounted 1-tile modular desk



Colonial windows - Late Nights wall-masks problem fixed

All the 2-tile windows in this set were affected by the Late Nights bug, which meant that the wall masked part of the window when these windows were placed on diagonal walls.

The one-tile windows were unaffected and are fine.

Colonial windows




These changes have meant a few of my lots needed to be updated with the new content.  If you want the updated versions, uninstall the above-listed content first so that the lot can install the new updates...

The Old Clockwork Mill

Download (opens in new window)


Bracemoor Medium Security Jail

Download (opens in new window)


Spooky Hollow Graveyard

Download (opens in new window)

Nomadic Caravan Tutorial

To accompany the Nomadic Build Set being released, I've put together a very simple 10-step tutorial.  As well as demonstrating every part to creating a lot like the one shown on the right, it explains:

  • how to build the bases
  • which doors to use for which wagon
  • how to match your wallpapers to the wagon roofs

Link: Build Nomadic Caravans Tutorial


Going potty!

Whilst on the subject of construction, how could I resist the humble Porta-Potty, or as we often refer to them here in the UK (Porta-Loos - a phrase our American friends find totally hilarious).

This version is decorative only but there will be a working version too.  The only toilet without 'privacy' problems is (alas) the 2-tile stall toilet, but I can place two cabins together - the toilet in one, and the animated door on the other, and it should look convincing enough.

I could of course make a 1-tile version too, but it could have no animated door and Sims will demand privacy before using it.  I might make one for kicks anyway - just to laugh ruthlessly at shy construction workers!


Make someone Worse-Than-You today

It's been a while - a LONG while!

I hate gardening.  I mean I REALLY hate gardening.  If I lived in an apartment, my upstairs neighbours would by now be complaining about my weeds blocking their window daylight.  However, no-one lives above me to complain and I don't have to look at it.  It's not MY problem if my neighbours find it fruitful to glare at my urban rainforest, but it IS my problem that everyone else has Posh Gardens, because they only do this to make me the Worst Neighbour.  They are trying to make me Worse Than Them.

So I've made this deluxe gardening set.  It's designed purely to make someone else's garden look worse than yours.  When someone is Worse Than You, you will feel fulfilled, you will sleep easily, you will be fantastic-looking, intelligent and very rich, so make someone Worse Than You today by crushing their prize geraniums with a nasty old cement mixer.  To be published next week.


Tyre Fire Burns EA Fire!!!

You'll be sick of me by the time I've finished posting about this, but I'm determined you'll see this somehow and in some way...

My latest creation, the Tyre Fire, had a fault.  it wasn't a fault I spotted, because the fault actually manifested on the EA fireplace I'd used for my clone, not the fireplace I made.  My fire worked fine - succeeded in all manner of tests, and of course the orignal EA fire was still in the catalog.  All good then!

Well, no.  Baufive wrote to say that the EA fire now carried the name and description of my tyre fire!  If you're familiar with the ridiculous descriptions I often add to creations, you'll realise how funny that is.  Well, funny for an approx 3 seconds before it becomes extremely infuriating!     Therefore I apologise humbly for whatever went wrong with this.


Please ensure you UNINSTALL the old version because this version will not replace it automatically.


People lay down these fences to spoil your fun.  There is actually no other reason.  You want to picnic in that pretty (privately owned - minor detail) meadow?  Well, you gotta snag-your-pants to get in it.  You wanna trespass somewhere just because some boring old sign says KEEP OUT?  Yep, gotta snag-your-pants to go there.  But don't let that stop you.  Snag-your-pants and be glad. 

I'm feeling quite cruel to Sims just lately and so I want them to snag THEIR pants too.  I've made five fences (four are shown below - a fifth made this page look stupid so you can do without the fifth) and some matching gates - all in the glorious name of ruining Sims' lives.

So, have you snagged your pants lately?  Why not write in and tell us so we can all point and laugh at you?

Latest Headlines

Ooh! Clean! Back so soon?! The time has come... Experts in the Bleeding Obvious... Fixes you should download (NOT... Nomadic Caravan Tutorial Going potty! Make someone Worse-Than-You today Tyre Fire Burns EA Fire!!! Snag-your-pants!
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