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Dincer's Guestbook

Takerdkdk323May 1, 2006

Hey Dincer I just wanted to let you know that of all the artists on this site you are my ABSOLUTE favorite. I visit your own site as regularlly as I visit TSR. I have nearly everything you created for Sims 1 and I'm pretty sure I have absolutly everything you have created for Sims 2. But if I happened to over look something I'm sure I'll pick it up sooner or later.\:D Thanks for all the hard work and time you put into creating for us.

coxiesclubMar 23, 2006

Hi Dincer. Just wanted to let you know you are one of my favorite artist for my Sims1 game. Thank you for sharing your creations. Very talented!\:rah\:

cammiio2Feb 1, 2006

Hi Dincer...I loved your work for Sims 1 and now I am enjoying it for my Sims 2. I have never written to one of the Artists before and I pretty much stay to myself here in the community, but I wanted you to know how much I appreciate your work...I like your work very much due to the detail in your wood.....I love the beauty of a fine piece of wood that has been taken and fashioned into a piece of furniture.....My Favorite bed of yours is from Sims 1, it is the 4 poster with the sheer fabric....I hope you might one day convert it over to Sims 2 if you have not already(I haven't looked for a while) .....I miss that bed, but I enjoy decorating with the sets you have out for Sims 2.....I also want to say thank you.....I don't often tell people this but I feel it is important how you know how and why you have touched my life...You see, I am a 37 year old woman with a loving husband and 3 great kids, but I have an illness that is very painful and keeps me from sleeping for many days at a time.....The Sims games have given me something to occupy my time and keep my mind off the pain(when the morphine isn't working), but you, and the other Artists keep it interesting for me with your wonderful creations. You really have no idea what you have done for me and how you have helped me through some really rough patches....So Thank You........And, I too used to be an Artist(oil painter, Russian Impressionism)......but I can't paint anymore....I have toyed with the idea of trying to create for Sims 2.....but I stop and ask why, when there are so many talented Artists like Dincer, Grizzelda and Dr. Pixel.....And, I am afraid I wouldn't have the patience........I am sorry this is so long....Just know that you have made a difference in someones life with your Art....... Thank You Dincer......Cammiio2\:\)

cindygDec 27, 2005

\:rah\: \:wacko\: \:ph34r\: \:D \:\) good job

Murmelinchen36Dec 27, 2005

\:D Hi Dincer, iam a german girl, so i think my english ist horrable. I think the sets and objects you ceate for sims1 are the very best. especcialy i like the provencial-sets, they are my favorite.Thanks for those nice objects and sets.

robetl19Nov 27, 2005

Hi Dincer. I really like the objects you create for the Sims. They are some of the best I've seen. I used to have your small Christmas tree downloaded for my game but I had lost it. I really wish I could get it back but I can't afford to suscribe to the site. Is there somehow that you can make it available again for the holidays this year? Thanks and keep up the good work.\:\) Tammy R.

quinmalkiqNov 13, 2005

Thankyou, I had your lovely items in my sims 1 game and now , again thankyou I have them in my sims 2. I really love the artistic work you do, beautiful and stylish. Will you be converting the chinese garden set? It would be nice especially for commercial lots.

BornagainmommaOct 24, 2005

I would love\:wub\: to have more of your stuff for my sims.\:rah\:

oldmember_pisces87sawOct 12, 2005

I just wanted to say that I love all your sims2 creations. I've pretty much downloaded all of it. It gives all my sims houses classy touches. I can't wait to see what you come up with next. Keep up the great work!! \:wub\:

CodysGirl76Sep 13, 2005

i really like the Provencial sets for the sims 1 have u thought about making these sets available for the sims 2. If so please eamil me team_xtreme9@hotmail.com\:\)

Hunterkiller13Aug 24, 2005

\:\) Love your work man...it's absolutely fantabulous...! Hey I would post a request and hope for the best but true genius is never rushed (that goes for most creators here at tsr). So I hope you will continue to make items for sims 2 as long as the game is played.\;\) (I think that might be a long time so we as recepients of these fine objects can enjoy)\:D \:D

ursulaAug 23, 2005

Hi Dincer! Love your creations you´ve done. Feel I got to thank you for your great work. It´s such quality in them. May I ask, if you could do some victorian stuff to? I would love some in white. Livingroom, bathroom, bedroom, and kitchen. Ah , a lot of work in this, but some day perhaps. Well I´m asking you for you are my favorit here. All your stuff I´ve got. Even on your own site. Even for sims 1, but I only play sims 2 now. I´cant make stuff myself. Tried a lot of times, but I don´t get it right. I can only recoulor. Well thanks again for the things you´re making for us all. Tricciwoo

kollensAug 16, 2005

I am a long time fan.. You are very talented and i have used your creations to my sims delite and mine for a long time now. Thank You! I hope you will remake your outdoor set.. I used it alot in sims1 and miss it in sims 2.

Iggyjd2003Aug 11, 2005

Wow! Your millenium sets are awesome! Especially the kitchen! Very original and professional!

LlyrielAug 6, 2005

Thank you for all your amazing creations! I'm a big fan of the washing machine. Hahaha! Great work, I hope you keep it up. I'm really looking forward to your future creations. Thank you, and bless you!

kaloescheAug 6, 2005

Yeah! You did it, the millenium sets for TS@!!!! Thank you so much. Now I can have my millenium house! You have really made my day Dincer. Happy Simming! Kendra \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: \:cool\:

cyperangelAug 5, 2005

Oh my god. I must say, i hadnt spend the cash on a subscription for the tsr2 before i saw that your millenium set was redone for sims 2. After seing that, i simply had no choice, i just had to have it. It is absolutely the most fantastic set i have ever had the pleasure of using in my game, and i am looking forward to continue using it now in sims2. Now, any chance of you making a study and bathroom in the same set? \:D

beansidheAug 3, 2005

I love it that you are redoing all your old sets. I love your work and I always felt sad that I had to give up your beautiful beds to play the sims 2. Now I won't need to lose them. THanks!!!

MozaJul 28, 2005

Thank you for transferring the Milennium set - one of my favourites in TS1 - over to TS2!\:rah\:

bib-bib-pip-pipJul 28, 2005

is it possible that you will make a version of your buffet that works?

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