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Dincer's Guestbook

imarecApr 6, 2005

\:rah\: I'm so glad to see your kitchen (sims2), I've been searching for wall cabinets ! THANK YOU! Sincerely, Kristine

oldmember_saucisseApr 6, 2005

\:D \:D I'm really yes really happy to see that you've made finally your first creation to the sims 2. It's so cool!!! Thanks a lot\:\)

WoollyeddieApr 5, 2005

\:D Thank you so much for your lovely outstanding stuff. I have been downloading your creations since Sims 1. Always look forward to your new objects.

oldmember_FunnySimlishBunnyApr 5, 2005

\:D You are an artist who truly stands out in the community. I truly admire your work. I have a question.\:confused\: Does Adobe Reader 6.0 work to edit your designs in bodyshop?

oldmember_Samharr01Apr 4, 2005

about time! hehe. your stuff blows me away and i annoy all my msn buddies cos im always giving them links to your new stuff so they can see... most of them do not have the sims. im really glad i can see your stuff again! its great stuff and i'm sure you get told all the time but this is GENUINE ADMIRATION!!!! \:D any plans for redoing the japanese set? and what is your view on using your objects in submitted houses? do you allow it?

oldmember_ZaefireApr 4, 2005

I was so happy to finally find items you had created for Sims 2. I had a huge folder of your creations in my Sims 1 games and missed downloading your very original and beautiful things for Sims 2. Thanks for all the things you have made, & will make. Zaefire \:\)

SapphireApr 3, 2005

Horay! I loved the lightwood set for sims1. I'm so glad to see it recreated for sims2. Will there be more pieces to the set for the living room, kitchen, etc.? I'm looking forward to it!

robbob77Apr 3, 2005

was a big big fan of sims 1 creations. so glad to see you are creating for sims 2. robbob

coxiesclubMar 19, 2005

I love your site/creations. You are talented. Thank you for your time.\:rah\:

Uma DesignMar 10, 2005

Hi! Long time no see! I loved your Sims1 creations, and was very happy to see you've advanced to Sims2! I'm looking very much forward to seeing more of your work.\:wub\:

NeptuneSuzyMar 10, 2005

Your creations for sims1 are so great and now I'm so glad to see your creations for sims2!!! I love the new beds!!!! \:rah\: You're so creative and have a wonderful style! Thanks so much for sharing!\:\) - Suzy

HannahBanana#1Mar 8, 2005

i love yur Japanese Garden set! i use a part of the set when ever i make a new house! keep up the good work!\:rah\:

cemreMar 7, 2005

Sim1 için ürettiğiniz şeyleri çok beğeniyordum. Şimdi yeni objeleri görünce "işte yine yapmaya başlamış harika" dedim. Elinize sağlık.. \:\)

postileniMar 7, 2005

I had every item you ever made in the sims1.I'm very happy you've started to create for the new sims.You've been really ,REALLY, missed by me ,and I'm sure by every one ,who loved your fabulous creations.\:wub\:

lilaclaughterMar 6, 2005

Your style is so distinctive...I was overjoyed to find that you have turned your attention to the Sims 2 objects and textures. Please know that your work is not only highly regarded, but also deeply appreciated.

lilaclaughterMar 6, 2005

Your style is so distinctive...I was overjoyed to find that you have turned your attention to the Sims 2 objects and textures. Please know that your work is not only highly regarded, but also deeply appreciated.

oldmember_Samharr01Mar 6, 2005

i love your stuff but i have a problem \:\( i cant get any of it!!!!!! if you put your 3d stuff in groups i can but without that... so PLS could you upload your new bedroom furnature in a set or send it me!!!! its REALLY nice \:\(

KingsJesterFeb 6, 2005

I love your work. Do you plan on doing any work for Sims 2? With your creativity I'm sure you could add some awesome things for it. Thanks for all the work you put into objects for the Sims community.

oldmember_uregenbFeb 5, 2005

selam, her ne kadar artik bedava objeler icinde senin objelerini cok bulamasam da setlerini ve tekli objeleri cok begeniyorum. Ellerine saglik \:\) her sey iyi güzel de niye mahir' in resmini koydun ki \:P

texasfairy2000Feb 3, 2005

Hi Dincer, I totally love your work!! I've been away from the sims community for a while (or at least in an active sense, lol) and have no idea if you plan to do things for the Sims2 game. If so, maybe you'd have time to shoot an email to me (texasfairy2000@yahoo.com). I'll probably only play the Sims2 version (if I ever get the chance to play again, lol), so it would be awesome to see what you come up with for it, and hopefully you will! Sincerely, Rebecca

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