Elena.'s Blog
Vote in my poll to pick out my next free items!
Hey hey!
I have a new poll where you can pick out my next free sets! Hurry up and vote!
As of the 2nd of May I have also unlocked some sets for good. Here they are:
Clive Hair - Please read!
It's been quite some time since I have last written in my blog!
There has been a recent problem with the mesh, I don't know exactly, but if you've downloaded my Clive Hair and it didn't appear in game, please re-download it. I have fixed the problem and it is now working!
Thank you so much to *Bunny* for pointing this out!
Hey guys!Sorry for the lack of updates this past few weeks and for not being able to respond to your messages! First, I had a nasty virus that wiped my drive and now I'm very sick (the sugar levels in my blood are low and I have some hard time coping with the "lovely" crisis' that come with it - my heart beats very very fast, I think it's called tachycardia, I am very dizzy, not to mention hungry and thirsty).
I did manage to start a new series called "An Autumn Day". So far I have decided to make three parts, but I might expand, I don't know yet. The first part will be published on the 7th. The second, called The Crop and the third, The Picnic, will follow. I'm also working on some paintings and have my mind set on some clothing.
Have a nice day!
Featured Artist!
I still can't believe it!I am very honored and over the moon to have been invited to be a FA!
It is a wonderful present for my first anniversary here at TSR- thank you guys!! Also, a big "Thank you" goes out to everyone for your feedback and friendship. And to all of you who downloaded my creations - I hope you are enjoying them in your game!
Last, but not least, thank you to everyone for congratulating me in my guestbook,with PM's and also on the main page with awesome messages and warm welcomes!
My 1st TSR Anniversary!
Really now, where does time fly? Today I celebrate my first year here with TSR!
Looking back I must say it was a great year. I made many friends whom I love dearly, I learned many new things and improved my skills a lot since my first submissions and I will continue to do so along the way.
THANK YOU! everyone for your feedback and advice. I appreciate them very much. * I know I'm slow at answering comments these days, but I promise I will get to thank everyone. *

2 million downloads!
WOW! I have never imagined that I would reach this huge number of downloads!! I am really excited!!Thank you everyone for your support and feedback and for all those lovely comments. I have been lazy responding to them, but for a good reason. I am working on my first alpha mesh *yay* and I want this set to be perfect. Thank you once again for this lovely birthday gift *my b-day was on the 3rd, yesterday*. Have a fantastic day!Work in progress :D
Hi everyone! I'm officially back and creating. I hope you like my upcoming creations and have fun with them. Happy simming!M.I.A.
I will be gone for a week. I won't be able to respond to pm's, comments or GB entries. By the time I come back, I will have solved all problems and requests.Hope you have a nice week and enjoy summer & the sims :D
Hi everyone!I am still caught up in exams. They were so many and I still have 3 left + the graduation ones. I wanted to upload some sets a while ago, but I haven't had time until today. I hope you enjoy them and have fun!
Hi!During all of May I will be busy with exams and school projects. I won't be away completely, but I am sorry if I will not be able to answer to all of those who PM me or leave messages in my GB or to those who leave comments. I shall answer though as soon as I have some free time. There are a lot of creations from me that will be published though, so there is nothing to worry about. I hope you enjoy them in your game!
Have a great time!