Elut's Blog
Pets on its way
I just got a mail, that Pets is on its way in the mail - very excited, but I can see from all the problems that I better get the projects I´m working on right now, done before I install it. I might not have any problems, as I had decided to upload them unfurnished anyway, mainly because one of them are very, very big and probably would exceed any size limits if I did the decor.
They (the lots) have been neglected because I have had a lot of trouble with origin and I did a complete reinstall of my computer - that did absolutely nothing regarding origin – it still doesn´t work and EA has not been a lot of help, but I have an almost “clean” computer now.
Anyway – I´ll get my lots done this week and then I can have a lot of fun with some puppies.
Thanks everbody
I´ve been out of town for the last 3 days so I haven´t had a chance to thank you all for your congrats. I am happy and honored to be and FA and hope I can live up to it :). I´m a bit tired right now having a late night with a bit of party and a 9 hour busdrive so I´ll sign of for now and throw me in front of the telly :).
After a couple pf reinstall and sidetracks, I´ve recreated Twinbroke.I am working hard on making different lots for the town and hope that I soon can do a big playtest of everything.
For now I have made some of the community lots: Townhall, policestation, tatoo and beauty salon, gym, school, pool and many more.
I´ve also made a few residential lots, mostly apartments (just need to see if they work that way), but I still feel that I need a few more.
I´ve posted some pictures of some of the lots here and I have a thread on the forum with some more http://forums.thesimsresource.com/showthread.php?t=385767 if you are interested.
Keep a lookout for the release :)
Small living
As you can see I´ve been working on some small lots. It´s been really fun, both finding the different themes and makinfg them work on a small space. It´s been so fun that I am thinking of doing the same on an even smaller lot - so stay tuned.
Just wanted to let you know that the little guy who´s name I´ve used as nickname here died this weekend :(.
I have now installed Sims 3 on my new computer and it seems to work like a charm, so now I can get building again. Check back soon and see ;).
I know I´ve been a stranger, but trying to keep up with six puppies and work is hard work. On top of that my computer no longer want´s to play sims any more, it get´s to hot (laptop) and shuts down. When I´ve sold the pups (only have 2 to go, all the other are spoken for) I should be able to buy a new one (desktop) so I´ll be back building again. I´ve really missed it a lot and hope to "see" you all soon.
and they have arrived
At 0.32 CET I became a "Granny". The first one is out, but it´s probably going to be a long night. She or he is alive and kicking - and screaming. Mommy is great , going to lick the poor thing naked :).
and number 2 has just arrived at 1.00.
A bit unsharp I know but so was I :)
I will be posting more pics, but I´m just to tired to night :)
And 2 more arrived :)
I´ve made a gallery with more pictures, check my minisite.
Elvira is pregnant and there are at least 4 small hearts beating inside her :).
If every thing goes as planned they will arrive first week in may - I can´t wait :)
Still figthing
I´m not dead or retired or anything like that, I´m just figthing really hard to get my game working. After reinstalling a couple of times, having patterns as the only CC and still having my computer shutting down, I have decided to uninstall "High end stuff" and see how it goes. I hope I´ll have some lots up pretty soon, but keep your fingers crossed.