Elut's Blog
The votes are in!!!!
Well it seems that the world is going to be taken over by chickens:
Question: Chickens are not as stupid as they look
- yes | 27.59% (32)
- no | 22.41% (26)
- they are taking over the world!!!! | 50% (58)
Apartments - then and now
Right now I am working on a couple of apartment buildings, or to be honest I am working on one.
The idea is that I started out making an apartment complex in Victorian slum style. It has 23 very small apartments and is a “bit” rundown. The next step is for me to renovate it and make some shiny new apartments for the rick and beautiful modern sims.
I have finally got the hang on the lotadjuster which means that they are made so you can do a whole row of them.
For some reason I have found out how to put pics in my blog so you can see the progress here:
or check out my gallery.
Out of money
Well the city council has run out of money so the Junkyard Development will have to rest for a while. If you have some ideas for other lots just drop me a line.
Junkyard Development
It seems like things has calmed down now, the links are working and all in all things look great. I am working on some additions to the junkyard development, a couple of residential lots and may be 1 or 2 community ones. Hopefull I´ll finish them this week.
Hi everybody!!
I know that the new site has got everyone on their toes and that there are a few start up problems, but hang in there wont you they are working on it. One of the problems is with the links to the required items and I do have a few in my lots either go through the old site http://v6.thesimsresource.com/artists/Elut/ or PM me and I´ll help you out.
Happy New Year
I just wanted to wish you all a happy New Year, so...Happy New Year. I finaly got some time and energy to make some lots hope you like them.Merry Christmas
Hi everybody. After a really busy November and a even worse December I finally reach the day of my vacation. 2 weeks with my family relaxing, eating, enjoying, eating and simming. I haven´t have the time or the inspiration the last couple of weeks but I actually got a house made to night and who knows what can happen after some good food and a bit of rest. I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year or in danish: God Jul og Godt Nytaar Elut
Hi everybody.
Real life and Christmas has come over me and I haven´t got so much time right now to play sims. I hope it will be better soon.
I have 4 new residentials out today, 3 very modern looking and one nice little cottage. I´m of for the next week or so, if I can´t fit my laptop in my luggage.
Have a nice weekend
Bricketts Square