Howdy All
Here I am, in what seems like a full circle. I have been creating Sims stuff for a while now, and even though I took about two years off from creating, I never lost touch with the community or lost my desire to create stuff for the game. I'm back, and hopefully in a little better form.
I've been back "on the scene" for about four months now, and I've decided to hang my hat here as long as they'll have me, and I'm very glad to be a part of such a community.
Along with me is my constant companion for the last four years, Xandher. She's going to be submitting lots of stuff here, including working with me on textures, so I'm tickled pink about that too.
The little ones that you see on my FA banner are my own, btw. Daddy loves 'em.
I hope you all enjoy my first entry here. I think it is innovative for a couple of reasons: 1) it utilizes some new animations made possible with the newest version of SimPE (thanks so much to the creators thereof), and 2) it is a uniquely layered style. You will notice that the outer layers are primarily transparent, so the thumb nails or quick screens of the hair in the game look like it is transparent. To an extent, it is. What this allows for is some very complicated "interweavings" of the hair that make it look more realistic, at least I think. Try it out and let me know what you think of the new animations and the layering.
Thank you all, and once again, thrilled to be here.