Fionn (489336)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (37 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Diva Redux
Published Jun 23, 2006
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My Latest Updates Show All
Where Am I?Written Sep 24, 2006
For those of you who have dropped by from time to time, you'll probably note that its now late September, and I haven't submitted anything since June. It'll probably stay that way. I got a promotion...I'm now a High School principal, and my time with my family becomes ever-so-much-more important, as my hobby time is down to nearly nothing. When I do have some time, I'm spending it... ...More
Not totally goneWritten Jun 21, 2006
Well, I said that I wouldn't be back unless I got bitten by the bug... So, I'm not really all the way back. I just don't have that kind of time. But, I'm back a little. One day, while looking at my hair file collection in BodyShop, I noticed the "diva" hairstyle here at TSR, which was acquired through cooperation from Jose Silva, AKA 3Dream. They did a bang-up job on that one,... ...More
Swan SongWritten Apr 30, 2006
Greetings all. This is my last entry at TSR. Coming off of the heels of Wildness, which frankly didn't get downloaded very much, I'm heading into the sunset with my favorite of my Sims 2 creations, which Xandher and I call "Breck Girl." It's a 70's-inspired style that was pretty tough to pull together. I hope you enjoy it. No, it isn't the last of my creations because of low... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
PralinesimsApr 24, 2011
Happy Easter!
SheeraDec 23, 2008
May this Christmas be bright and cheerful and may the New Year begin on a prosperous note! Zuzu.
charraySep 06, 2008
I love your creations. Thanks for sharing them.