Foxi_ivey (2749912)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (5 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

The chinese garden house
Published Apr 28, 2010
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About Me
hey there, I'm just a girl who is busy making stories, waiting impatiently for October when pets will come out. I enjoyed sims 2 but fell in love with sims 3 and I've bought every expansion on the day it came out. I didn't necessarily play it then due to installation issues however...
I enjoy blobbing around the site, downloading far too much CC, and looking at all the wonderful screenshots and stories people have posted!
I make a point of ALWAYS thanking the artist. They put the hard work into this item, they deserve the thanks. I also comment with whatever feedback I have quite often, although the comments can't be put on everything I download due to the large amount of downloads I use.
I fill my lazy days by downloading, reading, and commenting around this site. i also enjoy helping people out on the forums! ^_^
My Latest Updates Show All
I've stopped publishing boring postsWritten Aug 31, 2011
I've decided that I'll only publish blogs that have important updates from now on. the few of you who do read this were getting bored of my ranting, I'm sure. so from now on, once a week i'll post story statuses on each of my stories, and that's it. ...More
sorry for posting so muchWritten Aug 31, 2011
but at least I have something to say! Now, I'm debating having another story to go along with menace and Infinity minus five, but I can't think of any plots without pets appearing! GAH!!!!! ...More
I am crazyWritten Aug 31, 2011
absolutely crazy. You know why? Because my mind stupidly made the plots of all my stories have PETS. So I'm going out of my mind because I can't create a ton of stories when I'm bored because I need to draw it out long enough that there's no irregular gap between the last non-pet story for that series! Luckily for me "infinity minus five" has a very loose plot, and... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
thesims2rules123Dec 21, 2011
Hello! Thank you so much for commenting on my story, it's been a while i hadn't really checked the story.
Happy Holidays!
martoeleDec 16, 2011
Merry Christmas y Happy New Year 2012.
I wish you and all your beloved ones, Peace, Love,
Light and Health.
DjeranotjuhSep 24, 2011
The New World In Pets Is Appaloosa Plains Not Hidden Springs