About me...
Okay, so I know that you all know me, but there's a couple of things I may have failed to mention--or I may have talked about it too much. If you feel the latter, avert your eyes until I'm through. ;)
I'm married with 2 teen boys. I work in a super hip hotel in super laid-back Seattle -- but don't get any ideas that I'm super or hip. I'm an accounting nerd. But the point is I get really busy and have very little time for my most favorite thing--making meshes and textures for Sims 2!
I know I've said this part before. I'm sorry I don't respond to comments as often as I should, but I skim them all the time and I love seeing all of the feedback! And I try to leave them as "unread" until I can get some free time to respond!
And now that winter is coming, I should have more time to mesh and play and respond!
PS This is a detail of my very favorite Eva Gonzales painting!
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