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Grizzelda's Blog

New Project

I'm working on a new project for men. I've got to fix a problem with the mesh on the shoulder, then I should be ready to upload. Here's a preview for you!

Pets Problem...

My computer died a few weeks ago and I spent a lot of time reinstalling all of the programs I need to create meshes and such... Well, I forgot to do Dr. Pixel's fix on the recent recolors until today. If you have problems with the Men's Rave or Teen Rave set, please redownload the files should work with all expansions now.

New Men's Mesh

I was looking through Bodyshop, thinking of what mesh to do for men. Funnily, I notice that ridiculous men's outfit with the "pouch" and I remember a gazillion years ago, before we could make meshes, someone had requested I make a recolor, but without the purse. Well, I forgot who requested it, and it's very much late, but I made it!


Well, I'm having to spend all of my energy this weekend trying to fix my computer. Somehow a couple of files became so corrupted that I couldn't even boot the computer. So, I've scrubbed my harddrive and am in the process of installing a new OS and making sure that all good things are happening. It will take a while for me to get everything back in order INCLUDING gathering some of my files. I've lost some minor things, but not that much. So not that bad. I've got to scan my peripheral drives and make sure they are okay. I don't have a clue why this happened. I found no viruses when I was able to scan it yesterday. :(

Gone Fishin'

Lag in uploads

I've had a few computer issues this week, but have it all straight now. I should be able to finally get this mesh set loaded tomorrow. It's ready, I just need the time to do it.

Working on older items

When I enabled bump maps on my computer, I realized there were
some "flaws" in my some of my creations. I'm going through and updating some of the textures. If you have something of mine that you would like, but the bump map is horrible, please let me know so I can fix the file. It's going to be a long process! I'll make a note as I get them reloaded.

Bumpity Bump Bump

Well, I've taken another step and learned to enable bump maps. I'm quite embarrassed that I didn't do it when Sophel asked me to. I was just so afraid of it! Every step I've taken in the meshing process has been resistance. At first I didn't think I could even learn to mesh, then I thought I would only do basic meshing, then I thought I'd never figure out uvmapping, now I'm doing bump maps. I feel so chagrined.

Oh and the party went off without a hitch, they were all thrilled, and they'll all be gone in the morning. My hubby had a wonderful time and it was all fine. :)

Almost over...

Well the big event is almost over. Hubby's party is Saturday with a dinner at my home on Friday for the early arrivers. Everyone is gone by Monday, so it will be a VERY full weekend--then back to a normal life and my lovely milkshape and simpe. :)

3 new meshes & 1 in the wings

I made the athletic hooded outfit that was published earlier--then I made a plus version--then this morning I saw the note from Charmd asking for other sizes--SO, I made a teen version. I've been Meaning to make this for a long time. So, I forgot to make it available to elders, but I'm going to go back and do that now. If you already downloaded the regular set, redownload OR change it in Simpe. It's pretty easy and I think that Dr. P explains it or someone has a tutorial, I can't remember. I figure it out each time I do it though. It's a neighborhood browser thing. Anyway, I'll have it done by 130PM PST (US) on Sunday!

Oh! And I'm working on a new sexy mini skirt with Al's shoes--bottom only. I'll keep you posted!

Latest Headlines

New Project Pets Problem... New Men's Mesh Catastrophe! Gone Fishin' Lag in uploads Working on older items Bumpity Bump Bump Almost over... 3 new meshes & 1 in the wings
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