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Grizzelda's Blog

Very Busy week

I've had extra tasks lately in both my personal and professional life, so haven't had a lot of time and energy to create lately. I'll be working on some stuff over the weekend and should have something soon for you all. I have played around with some objects and will load them up today--after I look at them again. I may decide not to if they're too crappy. lol

To Create

It's always sounds so silly for me to say "I'm a creator." And this doesn't apply to how I view others, just myself! So don't get offended anyone. Like I was saying, it always sounds so silly for me to call myself a creator. I know that I create custom content so the word is appropriate, but it just seems to contain more meaning than I assign to what I do. Maybe because I have too much fun when I'm making things. My self image is of a player that makes stuff for her game. I share it because I enjoy that aspect of it as well. I really like the attention that submitting here gives me. I'm a Leo. Go figure. Anyway, I hope this wasn't too random. Here's a quote I like:
"Never be afraid to laugh at yourself, after all, you could be missing out on the joke of the century."
- Dame Edna Everage


I'm really sorry that it's been so long since I updated my blog. I've been creating as you see, but I've been really busy at work and when I'm home I'm with the family. I'm trying to be balanced so that I don't burn out again!

I just submitted a set that will be published this afternoon. It's a 50s inspired swing skirt with a collar and short/no sleeves. I have wanted to do this mesh for a while, but there's always something else to do. I'm planning on doing a whole series of these dresses and I look forward to seeing what the other, more talented skinners, come up with here--if they're inspired that is. I can't wait until Shannanigan's cat eye glasses are published, I think they'll look very cute with the dresses!

Too hot!!

Well, Seattle is in the midst of a heat wave. I know that 95 degrees is nothing for a lot of the USA, but it is for Seattle. We just don't have the AC units or the stamina to function for long periods in this heat. I lived in Vegas for years 110+ heat... with air conditioning. Anyway, I've been working on a killer teen mesh, but will have to take a break from it. I'm too hot to concentrate and there's a problem getting it to show in the game. Cooler weather will be here next week and I'll be able to finish it then. Tonight, I'm giving up the mesh process (only during this insufferable heat) and I'll do some recolors! I'm actually inspired to do another mesh... it will probably be easy... hmmmm... Plus sized bathing costume anyone??? Meanwhile, our hearts are still on the beach in Florence, Or.

Sunburned and exhausted

Just got back into town at 11pm I'm burned from the beach (even though we wore sweaters all weekend!) and exhausted from the drive. But it was wonderful to see my husband's family and it's nice to be home. I'll be working on Sims stuff this week!

Oregon Coast

I'm going to the coast for the weekend, but I'll be thinking of sims and meshes while the ocean wind blows away my troubles! In the meantime, here's a cute picture of my pussy-cat!


I'll never be able to respond to them all. But I want everyone to know that I do appreciate them all.

Back, at least for now.

Well, I seem to be recovering from my depression. I don't know why it always takes me by surprise. This time a bout with a flu or something set it off. The last time it was an injury combined with a move to another state. But anyway, I've got inspiration again. There are a few meshes that have been hanging around on my computer too. So, hopefully I'll put my beautiful new monitor, which I got RIGHT before my depression snuck up on me, to use.

Grizzelda Has Left The Building

I've given up all creating for now. Sorry to everyone that has been waiting for more meshes. I just can't seem to muster any enthusiasm or energy for much of anything. Thanks for all the support. AND FYI: Use the meshes for all good and fun and just give credit where credit is due. Thanks.

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Very Busy week To Create Sorry... Too hot!! Sunburned and exhausted Oregon Coast 200+comments!!! Back, at least for now. Grizzelda Has Left The Building
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