Hadewych (2856395)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (15 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Published May 11, 2010
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About Me
Hippy commune = I wish
Wierd? I'm weird even - and allergic to spelling and grammatical mistakes and cringe when I leave a typo - the edit button is my friend
Mother tongue is Dutch, although three quarters (maybe more) of my net presence is in english, thanks to all my virtual friends around the globe And yes, I like smilies, I'm even getting the hang of the anime ones, thanks to the teenage daughters, but I've never managed proper netspeak, although I'm learning lolkatz >.<
Beginning of February 2010, I bit the bullet and became a subscriber. Too many good things were just beyond my reach Now I also have to prod the artistic juices into flowing more freely and give something back too. In the beginning it will be rather rough and ready while I get the hang of all the possibilities, but I hope to get up to TSR standard soon
Thanks to those of you who already bookmarked me, even with my meagre offerings - it's a pity I can't track back (or well, I haven't found out how to do that anyway) to thank you personally...
My Latest Updates Show All
'Simscreating' my rl house...Written Feb 05, 2011
is not that simple :P First of all, the architects who designed this house put the doors all wrong, so I bet my Sims will have problems getting into the kitchen, just like I do with bags full of shopping. Then there's the mezzanine in eldest daughter's room - there's no ladders to be found (for stairs the room's far too small) that will get my simsdaughter up to her desk to make... ...More
Woohooh! Take that, Murphy!Written Jan 20, 2011
With a bit of tinkering - and the advice of the boy-next-door, well, across, but we're not splitting hairs ;) - I finally got my Sims up and running again - just in time before my subscription runs out, so now I know it's worth renewing :D I had to throw the towel into the ring and buy a new graphics card. Instead of going for one of those on the list provided with the game, I opted... ...More
Happy New Year and an update on my troubles...Written Jan 13, 2011
First of all, a very Happy New Year to all passers by - and even to those who don't ;) *hands out drinks and nibbles of choice* Cheers! Now the update - well, it still doesn't work >:( I even have a new screen as the old one was (a little bit) on the blink but nada, zip, zilch, nothing - the screen still goes in standby barely a minute in the game. So,... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
simsjeanieJan 02, 2012
Dear Hadewych, I'm just dropping in to say that I hope
you had a great Christmas Time and a wonderful start into the New Year!
And though I wasn't here for months (RL was very demanding) I want you to know
that I was thinking of you! My own wish for the New Year
was to visit
TSR and all the great people I met here again and so - here I am, leaving some late x-mas cookies on your
doorstep for you to enjoy! Lots of hugs and kisses from Jeanie!
LilyOfTheValleyDec 20, 2011
Hoping you are surrounded by love and warmth this holiday season. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
DegeraDec 19, 2011
Wishing you and yours all the best for this Holiday Season and into the New Year