Hermi1ch (3378603)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (2 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Cordelia Toulson ( YAF )
Published May 5, 2011
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http://hermi1.blogspot.com ( not yet ready lol )
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amystarrMay 07, 2011
I hate my p.chem course lol, it is a requirement for the chemistry major so I am forced to take it but it might just drive me crazy before the semester ends...thank God I found the sims to have fun with
amystarrMay 06, 2011
I'm taking physical chem right now, and its the hardest thing I've ever taken, it makes organic seem like a walk in the park LOL
Hermi1chMay 05, 2011
Ohhh!! Same here! In fact the sims plays a huge part in relieving my stress, otherwise I would have been half dead by now lol. ( Especially when it comes to physical chem... X_X ) Soooooo glad to know that I'm not alone in this!