New Project - Adobe?!
Yes that's right. I thought I would give an Adobe home a try...not some itty bitty one either. LOL! No, I had to go ALL, or at least as far as Maxis Only would let me. They don't really make much in the way of Spanish/Meditteranean decor. So here's a few "known stats". (Keep in mind that this home still needs lighting and testing so it may be a day or so before it is ready to be uploaded.) 1 - It is Maxis Only - No Custom Content (CC) used in it at all. 2 - It will, as per my usual, be only available to the UBER-cheaters, or mega rich. LOL! (Somewhere in the neighborhood of 300,000 - 400,000) 3 - It is a 4 bedroom, 3 and 1/2 bath home - 2 Stories 4 - It does have a study, formal dining, full kitchen, gorgeous living room, huge first floor master with large ensuite bath and walk-in dressing area...also a private deck, large bedrooms, living room is open to the 2nd floor, 2 fireplaces, an attached garage with minivan, fully landscaped, indoor and outdoor fountains, all skills, alarms, and phones supplied. 5 - An attempt has been made to try to capture the Spanish/Meditteranean feel that I wanted, but with Maxis only that is very hard to do. I am quite certain that those who enjoy this type of architecture/home will have the CC, or be able to get the CC, necessary to make this house be all that it can be! Enough babble - Here's some sneak previews - (Without lights, and no testing yet so some things MAY change...but I'm pretty careful so they may not. Hehehe!)