Plant Poll Results!
Here are the results of my latest poll - With 164 people participating!
Question 1:
What plants do you most like to see in the homes you download?
Flowers 34.76% (57)
Trees 29.27% (48)
Bushes 20.73% (34)
None 5.49% (9)
Ground Paints 4.88% (8)
Question 2:
When you download a home do you like Custom Content plants?
Yes - I love new plants! 45.73% (75)
Maybe - Depends on the home! 31.71% (52)
No - I like to pick my own! 16.46% (27)
Don't care! 6.1% (10)
So it would seem that (gardener be darned) most prefer flowers, although trees and bushes were still pretty close. I must say that I am surprised at the low numbers for ground paints though. That is an interesting result which I may have to look into in more depth later.
Also, it seems that CC plants are accepted much more readily than other objects or items. That, too, is surprising! I am actually a HUGE plant fan, and in my personal game I think I have just about every plant ever made...anywhere. LOL! But, I'm also a lazy player so they have to be low-no maintenance ones. ;) is an interesting result, and I will bear this in mind in future building projects.
Thank you all for participating! Every new piece of information is another part of the puzzle. The more I know about what you like, the better job I can do for you. Thank you again!
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