Beach lots...go figure!
As we ALL know, I just ADORE beach lots...not! Don't get me wrong, beach lots look great when you build them, and they stay looking great as long as you don't move them...unfortunately the point of building them, for me, is to share them with you - and that means they have to move.
The tricky thing with beach lots, and the reason they are in their own category in the lot area of the game, is that the lots do not completely adjust to the builders changes the way regular lots do. They adjust from the street end only. The beach NEVER adjusts to anything the builder does to it. It stays the same height depending on the spot you place the lot.
What does this mean for downloaders? It means that you can place your lot, enter it to view it, and it will look great from the street...then when you look at the beach area you may find that items are floating and the stairs don't reach the beach! This is NOT the fault of the is a fault in the game itself. The beach areas do not adjust, so if you choose a new spot to put your beach lot, and the beach area is LOWER than your original lot's beach was, you get items floating. It can be a real pain in the tuckus to place them so that they look like their preview pics. Worse case scenario...beach lots can crash your game if they aren't placed properly or in the right lot.
Some beach downloading tips for you:
1 - ALWAYS read the notes or special instructions when downloading a beach lot. Believe me, you will be a much happier beach lot owner if you do. And for the love of pete...follow those directions!
2 - When placing your beach lot, do NOT turn it or try to place it in any other direction than the way it came out of the lot bin. For some reason the game prefers that you take out your beach lot and immediately put it down from the street end without moving it about. If you do turn it or move it around to place it, you may just find it crashes your game! So before ever placing your lot be sure you know where you are going to put it and have it lined up before hand.
3 - If you place a lot and notice that items on the beach are floating in midair - don't panic. This just means that you have accidentally placed your lot on a beach which is lower than the builder created it with. Bulldoze the lot and try in another spot, or, if it's just a few items, simply grab them and set them down where they belong.
Why am I going to all this trouble to write down beach downloading tips? Simple. I have created a new beach lot that has ruins set up in the ocean itself called "Lair of the Sea Witch". Cool huh? However, if my downloading instructions aren't followed you may find that it becomes a floating ruin...and many items cannot simply be plunked back down to beach level. Is it worth all the hassle? I think so! But, if nothing else, at least you'll have a better idea of what to do when downloading any other beach lot. :D Here's a quick preview pic of what I consider one of my most challenging lots...
One last thing about this lot - As you can see it is landscaping heavy, so if you have an older computer, or just a laptop, I would NOT recommend downloading this one. One cool thing though...even with all of the plants there is NO need for a gardener on this lot. It is entirely decorated with trees. :D
Hope you all enjoy the lot...I sure enjoyed creating it! :D