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Illiana's Blog

New Modern University - TS2

Got 11 new lots coming up...thought I was really gone this time, eh? Sorry to disappoint you. :P Most of the Universities I've seen are on the traditional side, so I thought I'd try something a little different. So, introducing HiTech U! There are currently two sets coming up with a third on the way which will include Greek houses.

HiTech University



This set consists of 6 lots to get your University started! They include:

Student Center
Commencement Park
Shopping Center
On-Campus Library
Keaton Hall - 10 Room Dorm
Atom Hall - 7 Room Dorm

There is absolutely no custom content to be found in these lots, and they have all been fully tested in-game. All that is required to play them are the Uni/NL/OFB expansions. I do hope you enjoy them!



Add-On Set




This set consists of 5 lots to add to your University experience! These include:

Class Block
Project Perspiration - Gym
Laser Lounge
Stylish Uni Rental
Cheap Uni Rental

Once again, there is absolutely no custom content, and all lots have been fully tested in-game! These are some fun lots to play. Hehehe!




I know I am not on the site as often as I used to be, but I do get on when I can. I also read every comment and message you all leave me. Please forgive me if I don't answer all the time. It isn't that I don't want to answer your wonderful comments, it's simply that I can either spend what little time I have creating/uploading stuff, or writing answering messages. I cannot thank you enough for downloading my lots and objects! It really means a lot to know that somewhere out there someone may be playing with something I created. :D THANK YOU!!!!!

Love and hugs,

Back with new lots!

I've been a busy girl! Went back to school for a bit, got moved into my new house with my son, been working full time, and just finally got things settled enough that I can finally get on here for a while. YAY!!! I couldn't believe all of the amazing comments and downloads you have all been sweet enough to give me in my (stupid real-life really can suck) absence. Thank you, thank you!!!!! It meant more to me than you will ever know!

New TS3 Lots for October! - More pictures and info in my Upcoming section! None of these lots includes custom content, but they do require WA. I hope you like them!

Upcoming for October



Dulcet is a traditional 3 bedroom, 3 bath home. It has an attached garage, pool, fireplace in living room and master bed, and includes rooms decorated for a little girl and a nursery. Please see the full information in my Upcoming section!


Release date - October 10, 2010










Cilan is a modern 2 bedroom, 3.5 bath home! It includes attached garage with basement. Basement includes a collection area, 1/2 bath, bar area, games, and music. Main floor has the living room, kitchen, dining, and a full bath. Upper floor has the master suite and the child's room. Multiple decks and entertainment areas are included. For more information, please see my upcoming section! Thanks!


Release date - October 16, 2010










Bayberry Road
is a sweet little home for the young suburban simmie family. It has 2 beds and 2 baths, a fireplace, and a cozy enclosed back deck. You can see interior pics and more info in my upcoming section.


Release date - October 20, 2010












I sure hope you like the lots, and thanks again...for everything!!! :D

Love and hugs -

Bransburg Castle - TS3 Lot!

Well, I am quite sure you have forgotten I promised a castle or something to that effect, so here is the latest edition to my collection of estate/castle homes. :D It has just come out of testing, and only needs to have the previews, etc., done. Hope you like it!

Bransburg Castle

Here's the stats on it:

Beds - 5 + A nursery
Baths - 4 Full and 2 half baths.
Lot Size - 60x60.
Floors - 3 Playable + the Wine Cellar. The rest are merely faux floors.
Main Floor - Large kitchen w/entry to lower wine cellar, formal dining, family room, living room, den, display area, grand staircase, access to multiple decks.
1st floor - Master bed/bath, Nursery, Art room, 2 boys rooms, 1 girls room, 2 baths, access to multiple decks and upstairs.
2nd floor - Teenage girls room w/own bath, exercise room, central study and game area.
Custom Content - None. Zip. Zero. Nada.
Patch info - I always update with the latest patches, so unless your game is completely patched it may not work. (Plus the latest patch gave me some UBER cool new patterns!)

Bransburg Gazebo

TS2 and TS3 News

Well glory be! I have finally gotten all caught up on my comments from you absolutely WONDERFUL people! :D Didn't I tell you I wouldn't erase any and would answer all of them personally? Hmmm? Well there you go then! All kidding aside sim lovers, thank you very much for so many fantastic comments! They sure do make a simmer want to make even more things just to hear from you all. (((Hugs!)))

TS3 News -

Speaking of simming, I have a new mesh set coming out this Thursday. Why this Thursday? Well that is supposed to be the day my divorce is final, so I should have most of the day to answer comments and questions. You know, things like, "What in the heck-over possessed you to make something from Ancient Greece? Is there even an Ancient Greece destination?" Things of that nature. (In answer to the above question, I adore Greece and its amazing history! Not to mention that I've had a few people asking about ancient items that just aren't available anywhere else. So there you don't ask! :P ) The first of the sets is the Living Room. It includes 8 meshes...3 seater sofa, chair, 2 tile coffee table, end table, a large and a small vase, as well as a harp that is actually a radio. (Ok...stereo, but you get the point!). Yes, the harp works, but unfortunately when it is on you still get the air movement caused by the original stereo. It's actually really cool looking. LOL! Hope you re-creators out there enjoy it. ;)

                                   Ancient Greece Living

As for lots...I have plans on creating a large mansion/chateau type lot as well as a smaller family type lot. So be on the lookout for those when they are complete.

TS2 News -

So, you thought I'd all but given up on TS2? Bah! I guess you didn't realize how big a building addict I actually am, did you? LOL! I have plans on creating a "Garden Set". These will be lots centered around a garden/landscape scheme, and hopefully will make you all want to go out and, with your simmies that is. ;) Don't panic. The plants I want to include are "maintenance free" and will not require gardener care. I also intend to use Uni/NL/OFB/SEAS/BV. Just a heads up before they come out. Keep your eyes peeled and hopefully they won't disappoint.

Well, that's all for now, and thank you ALL for being so patient while I got this divorce and relocation with my 5 year old settled a little. It's still going to be a month or so before I can be back to (mostly) normal, but at least you know what's coming up! Thanks again for your patience, and for letting me play with meshes for a bit! I do LOVE meshing, but my first love will always be building and decorating simmie homes. Ta for now!

Love and hugs,

Teaching an old dog new tricks...

Happy Valentines Day!!!!!!

So what's up? As I have stated before, my time for playing has been curtailed somewhat lately, but has been easing as I get more accustomed to my new work schedule/4 year old's school schedule. However, I have been using that small amount of spare time to learn some new things! Yup, I am learning how to make meshes and make worlds! Meshing is a much more involved process than I had ever suspected, and creating worlds is a layered mess. Yes, it can be done, but the file sizes are enormous! I am hoping we find a way to make them a little less large for easy sharing on the site.

So, what does all this mean? Well, it means I haven't had a whole lot of time to be on the site, nor to answer your wonderful comments. :( That's something I have always prided myself on! I do appreciate your patience, and hope you'll understand that I really want to concentrate on these new aspects right now. I am hoping that once I have a better handle on these major projects I will be able to be around a little bit more. :D Does this mean I don't appreciate your kind words, and critiques? No way! I love knowing that something I made helped someone enjoy the game more! It just means that, for now, my time's a little shorter than I would like, and that I WILL eventually get to them all and still personally thank each and every one of you for your thoughtful messages!

Thanks for believing in me, and wish me luck!

Love and hugs -

Releasing Split Tutorial Home

For those who would like a close up view of the home I used in the Split-Level Entry tutorial, I have set Laiandra to be free to download from January 25th - February 22. Honestly? The BEST way to learn how to do it is to rip apart the home and see what fits where. ;) Color the basement floor something like a bright red, the main floor blue, and the higher floors other colors (a garish orange or brilliant purple come to mind...hehehe). This way you can see where things meet up, and match them with the tutorial.

Also, bear in mind when reading the tutorial these mathematical facts:
1 - A wall height is 16 clicks high.
2 - A stair height is 4 clicks. (So 4 sets of stairs = 1 wall height.)
3 - By raising the ground up 4 clicks we enable sunlight to enter the basement, AND ensure that the ground isn't TOO steep in the backyard when the build is through.
4 - When we use the two sets of stairs to go down, drop the landing another 4 clicks by using CFE to shorten the landing height, and add them to the 4 clicks we raised the ground UP first, we get 16...which is EXACTLY the height we need to attach a foundation to. 4 clicks (raised the land up in Step 1) + 8 clicks (2 sets of stairs down from the raised land) + 4 clicks (shortening the landing using CFE from the temporary basement wall) = 16 clicks ...or a full wall height. See? We are tricking the game so we can create the split-level.
5 - Because the landing is actually 12 clicks high (remember we had to trick the game using CFE), we still need 4 clicks to have an entire wall height. That's where the one set of stairs going up comes in, and it is the key to having a split-level entry. 12 clicks + 4 clicks = 16 clicks. NOW we have a true full wall height, and a playable floor in the basement as well as on the main.

Keep these other tips in mind -
1 - When you have created the wall in the basement to level the landing area, DO NOT level from the floor itself! Level from the TOP of the wall right over the landing area. This will drop the landing to the 12 clicks we need to attach the foundation.
2 - Anything you do on the bottom floors affects the top floors. If you "fix" something on the bottom you are going to have to fix it all the way up floor by make every move count.
3 - PLEASE read the steps very carefully. Say them out loud as you follow the instructions if you have to, and only do what I have typed least until you have finished and are ready to remove the excess walls to create your own building.
4 - To find the "Room Wall Tool", just go to where you would find the tool to build walls. Underneath THAT you will see another wall tool choice. Click on that. This tool actually creates ROOMS not just walls! This is FAR easier to use when messing with CFE for scaffolding like that needed to create the upper landing in the tutorial. Just choose the room building tool and make a 2 square by 2 square ROOM whose corner attaches to the pillar. The pillar WILL bump up, but it is supposed to.

I wish I could personally help anyone who has trouble with this tutorial, but I really do not have the time to take each person step by step through the process. Practice, tear apart the home I am setting free, play around with the tool a little, try some simpler tutorials to learn how to use CFE first if necessary. You CAN do this! You just need a little faith and a little practice! :D I'm pulling for you!

Love and hugs -

Being an SA

As has become apparent, I no longer have the time and freedom I used to before "The Great Move". I've juggled, and I've tried various different solutions, but it's just not working right now. So I have asked TSR if I could step back down from FA for a bit. They have been so supportive and understanding...I can't even tell you! :) So I am just going to create when I can, and experiment with the new World Creation tool for a while as well. (I keep hoping someone will add an extra couple of hours to the day, but they just won't do it! :P ) Anyway, for those who are wondering why I am not an FA any longer, I certainly hope this puts you at ease. ;) I'm not going anywhere, just taking a little more time with a little less self-imposed pressure. Hehehe!

Wish me luck! (((Hugs!)))

Rumor aside...where ARE you?

Ah...the rumor mill, gossip wagon, watering it what you will, if it is a "mysterious" happening, it must be discussed, right? Well, I've been asked if I've decided to retire from FA, stop playing sims, leave TSR, or what. The simple answer is, "Are you out of your..." Er...sorry. Have to be careful there. ;) Honestly, the answer is no. So just to be sure we are clear, I am not going anywhere. TSR is my home, always has been, always will be.

For those who want to know what's up, I have been in the middle of a large move. While that doesn't sound TOO bad, it also involved job hunting (in today's market?!), getting my youngest into preschool, etc. Between the move, new job, and helping my son adjust to his new schedule (and mine), things have been a little frantic. Now, with the holidays coming it's just kind of compounded everything. LOL! It's's frustrating...and it's eating into my simmie time. Bah!

The good news is, things are starting to settle down now. YAY! Hopefully that means that I can start carving out a new time slot to play my sims and be able to be on site more often again. I honestly look forward to it!

So have faith, have patience, and above all...have fun! I have been collecting ideas and plans as I go, and hopefully the wait will be worth it. ;) Thanks for listening!

Love and hugs -


I will be taking a little vacation here for a bit, but not to worry...have a couple of new lots for you TS3 fans on the way over the next 2 weeks. ;) I will try to get online occasionally, when I am not camping, moose hunting (with a camera...sheesh!), and trying to convince my 4 year old that fishing really ISN'T boring, and poison ivy is NOT a pretty flower. :P Wish me luck, all! LOL!

I know, I know..."What about us TS2 fans, eh? What about us?!" If it makes you feel any better, I also have some bulidings in the works for TS2. What could they be? *Shifty eyes* Well, durn're just going to have to keep watching for them. Hehehe! Rest assured they WILL be expensive, they WILL be fully tested, they will NOT have CC, and they WILL be durn cool. So there!

Ok, see you all if I survive the bears and whatnot. *Waves spastically!*

Love and hugs,

Free Schedule through Sept.

Here you go! Happy downloading! :D

Aug 22 - 29 - Covington Court
Base Game - No CC

Aug 29 - Sept 5 - Chrysalis

Sept 5 - 12 - Parkview Contemporary
Base Game - No CC

Sept 12 - 19 - Carlotta Bay
Uni/NL/OFB/SEAS/BV - Beach Lot - No CC

Love and hugs -

Latest Headlines

New Modern University - TS2 Back with new lots! Bransburg Castle - TS3 Lot! TS2 and TS3 News Teaching an old dog new tricks... Releasing Split Tutorial Home Being an SA Rumor aside...where ARE you? A! Free Schedule through Sept.
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