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Illiana's Blog

Chatroom Invitation!

I am going to be in the TSR chatroom on Sunday, April 12th from 4:30pm CST until whenever if you want to come talk! Any and all people are welcome, and I sure hope I see you there! :D

EDIT: Confused about how to join? The easiest way (if you have Java on your computer) is to scroll down to the "Connect using our Java web client", type in your TSR Username in the box, and click on Launch Chat. That's it! Easy-peasy! :D (Personally, I also like to change the window size to 800 x 600.)

If you need help learning one of the other ways, or aren't sure which one is right for your computer, please read the instructions for the other choices, or ask away on the forums! We have wonderful people on our forums who are GLAD to help get you started chatting with us, and with your friends! :)

Love and hugs - Illiana

Sets, sets, everywhere...

I've had a few sets rattling around in my head for some time now, and with Sims 3 fast approaching I thought I should at least try to get them built. LOL! So here are some fun facts about these new sets!

ANCIENT GREEK STARTER SET - Uni/NL/OFB/SEAS/BV - CC IS included - Release Date: April 8th

I have always adored Ancient Greece. The culture, intelligence, mythology, color, and even the simplistic style and decor of these incredible people are inspiring and fascinating. Even today much of the style and symmetry created by these wonderous people is still in use, and much of it can be seen in contemporary or even modern architecture and design! Ok...I've "fangirled" enough over the ancient Greeks, but here is some info you might want to know about my new lots!

Because Maxis didn't consider Ancient Greece in its decor or furnishings, CC had to be used...and it had to help disguise certain items that simply ruined the whole look I was trying to accomplish. So here are some items that you might want to know about!

Ocean Oracle

Scrolls - Created by ShinoKCR - In the residential lots you will find scrolls. Click on these wonderful scrolls to begin studying or reading! This "bookcase scroll" can be placed on a table, a desk, or in a pre-made bookcase if you can find the space. It's rather a cleverly made object...and I LOVE it!

Mouth of Truth - Created by Spaik - Click on this fountain with a face to begin a series of fun behaviours by your sims designed to build up body skill points! Thanks to this wonderful creation, I could do away with the more modern exercise machines! YAY!

Starter Farm

Harp - Created by Dr.Pixel - This beautiful centerpiece is more than it seems! It's a magical harp that plays music like a radio! That's's a radio - fully functioning! Sorry folks, no TVs in these homes, but the harp does well instead!

Hanging Flower Pot - Created by Dr.Pixel - This is actually a fire alarm.





These are a few of my FAVORITE pictures of these wonderful lots! I may have to build more later since I adored creating these lots! Due to some Installation Instructions, these lots are best placed in the Twikki Island template if you want them all to be together. :)

LIKKI TWIKKI ISLAND - Uni/NL/OFB/SEAS/BV/AL - NO CC - Release date: April 16th

While I'm at it...I also created an entirely DIFFERENT set, but this one doesn't have ANY CC. YAY! It's in an Island theme, and even though it is called Likki Twikki, the set is actually best placed in the Moon Islands template to accomodate all lot Installation Instructions. There are 3 lots. A village with 3 rental homes, a beach lot 2 bedroom starter home, and an open air market for the shopping needs of your island simmies. :D Here are a few shots of the community lot and the village...


 Jumbok the IV

And yes...I do have some other projects I am working on as well. Not to worry though...even though I will be creating in Sims3, I intend to keep building in the Sims 2 as well! I just love the game too much. LOL! Hope you like the new sets, and that they make both you and your sims very happy! :D

Love and hugs - Illiana

Where has she been?!...

Well, it turns out that my wonderful cat has decided that she is the recipient of my worldly goods when I finally kick the bucket...

That's the only reason I could think that she would take a flying leap at the ladder I was climbing, lose all cat-like grace and precision, and barrel into the back of my knee instead of landing (catlike) on the ladder...which (for her sake) she had BETTER have been aiming for! This, of course, caused a moment of panic, confusion, and screaming as the ladder and I gracelessly plummeted to the floor of my hallway. Of course, said cat was (by this time) already safely back in the living room casually grooming herself as if she hadn't been the cause of my recent decent into pain.

Needless to say...well, yeah...I already said ability to sit at my computer for long periods of time has been curtailed somewhat due to the back and head injuries I got from my graceless feline and the uncompromising ladder!

Sometimes gravity bites!

I will be getting to that pile of wonderful comments you have all left me shortly, as I am taking some medications right now that make me loopier than usual, and I don't want to fall asleep on the keyboard. :o Give me a day or so to recuperate, and I will let you ALL know just how wonderful I think you are for your feedback and comments. Thanks for your patience as I get through this...

...and pray for the cat! LOL!

Love and hugs,

(A very tired) Illiana

A little freebie surprise...hehehe!

I know, I know...I didn't announce a schedule or anything this month for freebies, but that is just because I am a lazy git, and had just finished setting 4 other lots free permanently. :P So, after the long "dry spell", here is my gift for you patient types:

Free for one week (Fri, March 20 - Fri, March 27)

Deveroux Duplex - EPS: UNI/NL/OFB/SEAS/BV/AL

I do hope the wait was worth it, and that you have fun playing this new lot! Thank you for your kind support, and for liking my homes enough to actually WANT them in your games. :D TSR really does have the best people!

Love and hugs -


A little less please...

As many of you know, I'm usually a rather gregarious social bunny...flitting here and there, trying to help (occasionally succeeding), or just posting to see myself talk. :D Well, things have come up and my social calendar unfortunately needs to be kept clear for a bit. This just means that you probably haven't, and will not, be seeing me too often in the forums or posting in general.

I'll still be building, and uploading - I do love TSR, you know. ;) (In fact I have 2 lots in my upcoming bin...aren't you PROUD of me?! LOL!) I just need to focus a little more on some other things right now. Just wanted to give you all a heads up so you don't think I've fallen off the planet, or suddenly turned into some kind of elitest snob or something. :P OK...that's it for a while! See you when things get all cleared up! *Waves spastically*



Valentines Day Gifts

Since Valentines Day is supposed to be about love, respect, and showing people we care about them, I wanted to do something special for all of you who have stood by me through the changes from submitter, to SA, to FA. Thank you SO much for your wonderful support, and kindness to me. I can't send chocolates or flowers, so instead I have two types of gifts!

For Non-Subscribers - I am setting these 4 lots free forever as my Valentines Gift to you. Thank you very much for everything, and I do hope that you and your sims enjoy the lots. :)

Laurelei Glen Victorian
Augusta Moderno
Contemporary Curb Appeal 
Little Beach Beauty

For Subscribers - I rarely take requests, but I would like to offer to build you a home to YOUR specifications! PM me a link to a floorplan/picture - Homemade ones are just fine :) - and I will do my utmost to build you the lot you wish. I will then upload it here to TSR, and give YOU credit for the idea. Lots will be Maxis only, and can be unfurnished if you prefer. :) Things to keep in mind are:


SPs I have: GL/Teen Style/H&M/Happy Holidays/K&B

All requests must be sent in by Feb. 28th. I can create a home with any combination of the above, just let me know. :) PLEASE only send a PM. Do not use the guestbook or this comment section. Thank you!

A very grateful,


Free for a month! Casa Fuente - Contemporary Adobe

Jan 15 - Feb 12
Casa Fuente - Contemporary Adobe - No Custom Content

Uni / NL / OFB / SEAS / BV

I do hope you enjoy the lot! :) Thanks again!

Love and hugs -

Leaving Comments...

As you know, there are a few bugs still being worked out with the new system. One of those is that artists aren't able to see that they have new comments to read. Now, those that know me know that I pride myself on answering every comment I get personally. No "blanket thanks" or copies here. I write each note individually. Some days it's easy. LOL! Some days it takes a while.

Unfortunately, I can't do that right now as I don't know who has posted what, or where. I have been assured that this is being worked on, though they aren't sure how long it will take to implement. I want all of you who have posted comments on any of my lots or tutorials to know that the minute they are back up I shall be once again thanking you properly for your kindness, and for using your own valuable time to leave me a little note letting me know how you feel about my creations.

I don't care for "blanket thank you's", so consider this just a preliminary note: Thank you! Thank you very much for leaving me a comment even when the site was/is so glitchy. I promise you I will thank you properly as soon as I can!

Love and hugs -


Downloading Lots...a reminder...

Here's a quickie way to be POSITIVE you will get that lot you really want!

First thing's first - If you are new to downloading here on TSR, or downloading in general, I would suggest reading these helpful tips and tricks:

Installing Sims 2 Custom Content

Here's what it says about downloading lots:
"Residential & Community Lots
When downloading packaged Residential and Community Lots you will get a file ending with .Sims2Pack. Simply save this file anywhere that you will be able to find it (My Documents for example), then browse to the file using Windows Explorer, and click on it to install. A popup box will appear asking if you wish to install the package. You can also refer to the Sims 2 manual for details on installing .Sims2Pack files."

Using the Sims 2 Pack Clean Installer is even better for installing lots, and seems to have less problems than the game installer when it comes to ensuring a clean upload to your game. You can Google the Clean is a free download!

My advice is this:
1 - Be sure you have all the EPs necessary to download the lot.
2 - Download the lot using the ZIP file button (the green arrow). DO NOT open directly from the site. Some browsers and firewalls can corrupt the file in transit. To prevent this, ALWAYS save a file to your computer, and then open it from there instead.
3 - Save it to your computer somewhere easy to find.
4 - Open the ZIP file and extract the Sims2Pack file into the same folder.
5 - Once it is extracted, you can either double-click on it to install it, or use the Sims 2 Clean Pack Installer to install it.
6 - Make SURE you have checked the Show Details page for any lot you wish to download. This is because sometimes Notes or Installation Instructions may be necessary to get your lots to work. If there are, PLEASE follow them! Instructions are usually not written unless they are absolutely necessary.

Go to your lots bin that has lots that are already built, and scroll through them. Sometimes new lots will be at the beginning of your list, and sometimes at the end. PLEASE check the whole list before informing me that the lot isn't in your game.

If it is a BEACH lot:
1 - Follow the installation instructions for any beach lot you download! They are there for a reason!
2 - Try reading this short tutorial by myself on beach lots and how tricky they can be: The Hidden Rules of Beach Lots

ONE LAST THING - If despite your best efforts, and after doing all of this stuff, it still hasn't worked, it may well be just a server "hiccup". They do that sometimes. Wait around 5 minutes, and then try downloading it again the same way. At this point, if it STILL hasn't shown up in your game PLEASE...BY ALL MEANS...PM me! I want to know if one of my lots is having troubles so I can fix it! Thank you SO much for your support and feedback. :D

I do hope that this helps people better be able to enjoy my lots, as well as other lots! Happy simming!


Free Schedule / Christmas Question / Sims 3


With the Holidays fast approaching, I want to take the time to thank each and every one of you for the wonderful support you've given me. :D As a special "Thank you", I have arranged with TSR to release 2 lots instead of 1 on the dates you see below. I have purposely NOT listed my special Christmas Surprise lot, as I think anticipation before the holidays is SO much more fun. LOL!

Nov 19 - Nov 26 - Elleston Manor and Illustra - (1 Base Game, and 1 Uni/NL/OFB)
Nov 26 - Dec 03 - Cypress and Classic Contemporary - (Both Uni/NL/OFB)
Dec 03 - Dec 10 - Twikki Towers Hotel - Uni/NL/OFB/Seas/BV
Dec 10 - Dec 17 - Sol - Modern Home - Base Game Home


I am curious! Please give me YOUR Christmas list of the lot(s) you'd like to download most for Christmas! Keep this important rule in mind when choosing:
- The lot (or lots) you choose must have been released BEFORE the first week of September. (All lots must be at least 3 months old before I can release them.)
Just type your list, or choice, under comments here in my blog. (BIG ol' Comment button right there at the top.) Please don't PM me your choices, or add them in my guestbook. I won't count them. ;) The most popular choice/s will be considered for Christmas release. Happy Holidays!!!


Yes, Sims 3 is coming soon. For those who were wondering if I was going to abandon Sims 2, please be at ease. I will be getting Sims 3, and creating for it, but I'm going to continue creating for Sims 2 as well...never fear. LOL!

Happy Holidays all!
Love and hugs -

Latest Headlines

Chatroom Invitation! Sets, sets, everywhere... Where has she been?!... A little freebie surprise...hehehe! A little less please... Valentines Day Gifts Free for a month! Casa Fuente -... Leaving Comments... Downloading Lots...a reminder... Free Schedule / Christmas...
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