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Illiana's Guestbook

oldmember_Shaon317Apr 9, 2010

Hi Illiana! You're doing some very beautiful work! I was wondering if you could at all either redo your Grecian Villa for the Sims 3, or show me either what plans you used for them, or the layout for the house itself if you still have them. I've been looking for a Grecian home for my sims, and yours fits the bill perfectly except for the whole "Sims 2" part!

ElutApr 6, 2010

Hi Tammy. Hope you are well and that the meshing don´t wear you down. Just wanted to let you know that the little one is pregnant. I saw at least for small hearts beating and I can´t stop smiling \:D. From the first week of may I will have my hands full\:wub\:

PenelopeTApr 4, 2010

Have a wonderful Easter, Illiana! \:wub\:

guidomartinezhasFeb 16, 2010

Hi Illiana, love yor creations if you can please do carlotta bay for sims 3 i love that lot but its for sims 2 \:\(

Vanilla SimFeb 15, 2010

♥ Hope you had a ♥ Happy Valentine’s Day ♥

Lynx251Jan 26, 2010

No problem - I plan to use the Risho Drive-in & Eatery in a story very soon!! Ty for your time making it x

LightSide93Jan 26, 2010

Hey Tammy!*Gasps* Haven't talked to you for long. I can't keep up with everything, it must be that *Lazy Light* showing up frequently, not to forget the *Busy Light* as well.\:o Sorry of that, how have you been dear? All is fine and great I hope. *Still opens his mouth with a gasp* don't know what to say, lol. Thank you for the GB signing you left me a while ago, you are surely missed here too. *Hugz* You have been working around lately haven't you? Me like, me love, me want your lots. They just look splendid. I see you became a select artist as well, its an honor to have you in between us indeed. have you ever thought of meshing? I am willing to, but can't find a teacher around here. It is hard isn't it? Oh well, me must looky for goody tutorials. \:P hehe. Well, will stop by soon again *I hope* ~Hugz Khalid* \:wub\:

redd reddJan 23, 2010

I know. Ihave ALL the patches except for that one, still too scared!!! But I'm holding on to that really beautiful home until some magic happens!!! Thanks Tammy luv Redd\:wub\: \:rah\:

NeonAngelJan 15, 2010

HI!!! Just stopping by to say hello!!!....SO hello!! lol

katalinaJan 14, 2010

You are so sweet Tammy \:wub\: Thanks for the congrats and it means the world to me to know you believe in me. You have always been my inspiration since back in TS2. Love you to bits \:wub\:

shivanjaniJan 14, 2010

hello Illana. thanks for the wishes. sorry for the late reply. havn't played the sims for ages, and i kind of forgot about my ae. too busy sleeping.... \:D thanks once again. hope you have a great 2010. best wishes. tc \:\)

Micmac53Jan 7, 2010

Hello, luv!  Happy New Year!  May this year be better than the last, and may every day be better than the last.  You make me smile \:\)\:wub\: ~ Sofi

SugarJan 4, 2010

Hello Sweetpea I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and that the New Year will bring you  health and happiness. Sugar xx

redd reddJan 4, 2010

Thanks Illiana, I'm soooo glad it is runing again. But I know eventually I'm gonna have to update it again ad I'M VERY SCARED TO. I was gonna get the CAW tool but I figured the latest patch was needed. Oh well that's why I couldn't download any ew worlds, the patch. I'm not so sure I wanna go thru that again. lata girlfriend redd

Peachybitz1Jan 4, 2010

oh, and I hope you've had a great weekend!! \:cool\:

Peachybitz1Jan 4, 2010

\;\) \:D

DuceJan 3, 2010

Hey, I was Thinking about coming back here, Talk to me when your on

Sweetie224playerJan 2, 2010

Happy New Year and my best wishes for everything to you!

Uma DesignJan 1, 2010

I wish you a very happy new year with lots of creativity! Luv, UmaDee\:wub\:

DOTJan 1, 2010

'~,'.: Happy New Year! :.',~' 

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