What next?
First of all I would like to thank everyone again for your nice comments and guestbook entries, so thank you :)
And since I didn't know how to create a poll, I'm asking you here who would you want to see next ;P I have started working on many sims, which I haven't finished yet. So if you see someone interesting in the list, post a comment so I'll know who you would like to see finished and uploaded here next:
Jessica Biel, Holly Valance, Halle Berry, Famke Janssen, Joely Richardson, Kelly Carlson, Robin Tunney, Alexis Bledel, Eva Mendes, Devon Aoki, Penelope Cruz, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Uma Thurman, Pamela Anderson, Hilary Duff, Kate Hudson, Marilyn Monroe, Denise Richards, Salma Hayek......
So these are few of the ones that I have already started working on, so as you can see I have a lot of work to do, and I can't take request outside this list