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Jirka's Guestbook

nuagesrosesJun 11, 2009

I would love to see your version of Kate Moss. You make the best sims. Thank you!\:\)

victorpaulo17Jun 9, 2009

Hu Jirka, I've been member of this website for years just to get your sims. when are you starting to make amazing Sims for THE SIMS 3? I am really looking forward to that. =))) thanks

tyler_blakeJun 5, 2009

Hey can you use your meshes on sims 3? by the way absoulte amazing sims!

AhardymanJun 4, 2009

Omw I love your work ,it's the best but please won't you do the new 90210 cast ( Jessica Stroup, Shenae Grimes, Jessica lowndes, Annalyne Mccord ) Pleaaaaaaaaaaase I been waiting for months new for someone to do them Keep up the good work

dekanjorrdaannMay 31, 2009

loveeeeeeee all your creations. i can't wait to see what you have in store for the sims 3 \:\))))

frodo818May 29, 2009

All exellant but not free except two people i dont like

MarzemilMay 28, 2009

hey, could you do some more Twilight characters, cos I love your projects of Bella and Edward and I cannot find any Jasper, Carlise, Rosalie, Emmet or Esme who matches to the originals... please, I'll be very greatfull!

ys00seriousMay 25, 2009

Amazing! If you made the Pushing Daisies cast, it would be true love.

stephanie1225May 24, 2009

I really love your creations and I've been requesting several artists to make Chris Pine.  He's the actor who played James Kirk in the new star trek movie, and I would really love it if he was in my game.  If your too busy, or just don't want to make him, I understand, but I would really really appreciate it sooo much.  Thanks for reading have a lovely day \:D \;\)

newyorkrunaway1May 21, 2009

great recreations with your sims there!

Lucy222May 20, 2009

Please make  all twilight characters.!!

zabka1971May 17, 2009

Hello. I just wanted to tell you what everyone else tells you, your work is amazing. You really bring real people into the game. I see that people are asking you to make certain sims. Do you do this by request? Are you planning to make any particular people into sims?

nelliebellieMay 15, 2009

Your work is amazing!

lifeisabigshowMay 14, 2009

can you make a johnathon schaech sim 2 one please i cant find him anywhere i would really love it btw i love your art work

NikG21May 14, 2009

incredible work

DenitiMay 13, 2009

Please Jirka. You are super creative. Why all moneyed? I loved your Rihanna, but ı can't download it. Please make this free. I beg for this. Please. \:\(

michelly5487May 12, 2009

Please make a James Franco sim. I can never find one that looks like him. Please????

simsek00May 4, 2009

hi! ;d i wont adrianna lima ;d she's perfect ! i give you what you want ;d please write to me angela95622@wp.pl

charmcab23Apr 28, 2009

Hi \:\) just want to ask if you will be making more sims soon and if your going to make more Twilight cast maybe like Taylor Lautner (Jacob Black) or Ashley Greene (Alice Cullen)? LOVE YOUR WORK I HOPE YOU MAKE MORE SIMS SOON.\:D

cksprincess1025Apr 24, 2009

i was looking for a rob pattinson & saw yours...i decided to look at all your sims & OMG!! ur amazing!! i wish i had that kind of talent...some of those sims looked like actual pictures of the celebrities! \:rah\:GOOD JOB!!

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