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Jirka's Guestbook

catpaw87Mar 11, 2009

Hi,   I've blended a bunch of your old Glance skintones for personal use (removing eyebrows or birthmarks, and blending with other skins), and I'm wondering if it would be okay to upload them if I give you credit, since these skins are free. I know you don't want people using your TSR skins as a base, but I only want to use the old Glance ones. Please write me back, thanks.

Joseph DutchMar 6, 2009

Your creations are truely amazing. Thanks for brighting up my game. May your star shine high on many new master pieces.

ornyxMar 6, 2009

the best celebrity ar here!\;\)

virginiagirl98Mar 5, 2009

OMG!  That is the best Obama that I have ever seen!  Your sims are legendary!  You must hear that all the time...but it is true.  I wish you did requests too.  If you do, I have been wanting Jack Black in my game.  I understand if you can't, but I just wanted to give your props on Obama...

kduquerMar 5, 2009

oh my god you are literally the BEST sim maker EVER! its like you have a machine that u stick a celeb picture in and out pops out the sim. its incredible. ive never seen liv tyler perfected. EVER! please do keri russell and isla fisher from wedding crashers. i think they would make the most gorgeous sims. ps. your michelle pheifer is absolutely stunning!

Lady-fawkesMar 3, 2009

Hello \:\) Now you've made the gals from Sex And The City - maybe you could do Mr. Big - aka. Chris Noth? No one here on the internet has made him - I would be so happy ^^ Keep up the good work\:\)

kimloveshistoryMar 2, 2009

Do you take requests? Your work is amazing! I've been trying to get someone to make a Kevin Spacey sim for a loooong time.....

punkys13Feb 26, 2009

hey Jirka i love your work its amazing . I was thinking of Jamie Bell or Good Charlotte Band \:\) Xoxo

Adele_SimMakerFeb 26, 2009

Hi,   I have a few ideas for Sims you could make... Brendan Fraser Hugh Jackman Brittany Murphy (blonde) Anna Faris Steve Tyler (Aerosmith) Kevin Sorbo (as Hercules)    

16littleprincessFeb 26, 2009

Can u make the Ting Tings?

16littleprincessFeb 26, 2009

I really love your work, it's amazing!

VolimFeb 25, 2009

Hi your creations are amazing and I think your are the best.. Can you make Females and males of Desperate Housewives.. Thanks in advance...

djbertFeb 20, 2009


darknfierydragon9Feb 17, 2009

amazing creations jirka!!!! i wish that i could see all of your sims but it seems like they aren't available anymore......  oh well, i can't wait to see who you make next

Mr. RedFeb 17, 2009

Simply the most realistic and beautiful sims I have ever seen! You are amazing!

wickedpoppiesFeb 16, 2009

You are amazing, but I'm sure you already knew that..... LOL I would love you forever if you could do a version of Kelly Clarkson... It might be hard though, cause I've looked for hi-res pics of her before to make a skin, but I didn't have any luck.... I thought you might have a better shot.

djbertFeb 14, 2009

Hello! I have seen that you belong to the best designers of the whole page. You should do the Pussycat Dolls with their new image. Do you dare? :P   http://www.pcdmusic.com

dsnookFeb 12, 2009

JIRKAAA!   I would sell you my soul if you made Natasha Poly. Seriously.

ebilorangemissyFeb 11, 2009

OMG I am drooling over your sims!!! I wish I could create sims that look like this!!!!!!!!!!!

JoanBasFeb 7, 2009

Hi, Jirka was like that the song was called, which put on the website of the www.glancemodels.com/ want to hear again. Thanks

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