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Kriss's Guestbook

denizzo_istDec 14, 2010

Hi Kristina \:wub\: I'm little late sorry \:o Thank you very much for your nice comment on my 'Window Bars Set'. I'm so glad you like them \:wub\: I hope you and your sims enjoy them \:D Have a nice week \:rah\:

ioname2youNov 28, 2010

great creations\:\)

anura32Nov 16, 2010

Hey Krishna..... Thanks for creating such wonderful sets of windows and doors. They make a good addition to the game play especially now that I am creating a world for my sims 3. I dont have so much patience lile yours to create a mesh or object but please go on making so that people like us have a variety for our sims.

DT456Oct 21, 2010

Hahahahaaa..... \:D\:D\:D\:D Ja jag märker att det har blivit väldigt stort.. :P 

DT456Oct 20, 2010

Tack tack tack och åter tack! Jag är så glad så att det är obeskrivligt! Hur är det med dig? \:o

hatshepsutSep 8, 2010

Hi Kristina and thank you for signing my guestbook. \:wub\: I'm so glad you like my tudor patterns.  The limited options in the game was driving me a bit daft so I just had to do something about it!  Have fun with them and happy building! \:D

madaya74Aug 17, 2010

Hello Kristina \:\) Thank you so much for you nice comment on my curtains. \:wub\: I'm so happy that you like them. \:\)

MissFashionWalesAug 15, 2010

Hey do you do requests?

AshleyBlackJul 31, 2010

Hi, Kristina! Many thanks for your kind message! I hope your PC will be healthy soon! Have a wonderful weekend! \:\) Ildi

oldmember_jcardanaJul 19, 2010

Hey Kriss, I found one of your windows and I have to say I didn't really grab my attention. But then I ran across a few of your doors. I liked them. So I went through your content and saw all your doors and windows. I couldn't stop and I grabbed them all. I didn't know if you wanted 50 thanks for them or one big THANK YOU!!! Do you take requests?

AshleyBlackJul 8, 2010

Hi! Many thanks for your kind message in my guestbook! Have a nice day! - Ildi \:\)

MissFashionWalesJun 25, 2010

Sos I'm using up your guest book now I'll add a web link to the pic of the windows I like and hopefully it'll work Thanks\:wub\:

MissFashionWalesJun 25, 2010

Hi I've noticed you do lovely windows \:rah\: so could you make some for me.\:o (I feel rather rude for asking so I hope you don't take it in the wrong way) I would like them to be free and I dont mind how long it take just let me no when you've finished so I can check it in the next two days after you've done them\:\) Below is a pic of the sort I would like. I would like them to be similar to this (with the cross bits in the middle but only with light wood, taller so it covers one story level and wider so that it''ll would be the same size of three windows put together if you get what I mean.\:D Could you put handles on one side so it appears that it could open and if it's possible ( which I don't think it is) to make it so my sims can open them. Thank you and good luck\:wub\:

jhjgzgiJun 17, 2010

Please make more classical windows and doors!!!!

ShinoKCRJun 15, 2010

Hi! Thank you for your sweet comment on the Bathroom Clive \:wub\: Glad you like it \:\) Huggles Renate

ziggy28Jun 6, 2010

\:D Hiya  Kristina !!! Thanks again for your help \:wub\: And thanks for your comments, Im glad that you like them \:D TC Lorraine

ayyuffMay 31, 2010

Hi, Congratulations becoming SA \:wub\:

simromiMay 31, 2010

Hi Kriss, I just wanted to stop by and say congratulations on your promotion as a SA for TS3. \:wub\:   It's well deserved.  Happy simming.  \:rah\:

jtmaxMay 30, 2010

Hello Kristina. Congratulations on becoming sims 3 Select Artist. I really appreciate your creativity and your creations. Your Scania door, window and window trim sets are truly inspired. Thank you for sharing and for making them TSRAA.

mutskeMay 30, 2010

Thanks Kristina and congrats to you too \:wub\:

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