Loc0co (519292)
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About Me
Hello, I'm Annique, a 16 year old girl from Holland. After summer vacation 2006, I am going to leave school for a 2 year graphics education. I was a severe Sims 1 addict even back in 2001, but didn't get the game until 2003. I collected every expension pack in a fast pace. In December 2005 I got the Sims2 and now I have Nightlife and OFB.
What I enjoy most about the Sims2 is that I can let my creativity go banana's. I like to create a lot new family's and see them live their life. I am horrible at custom content, but I hope to upload screenshots and houses to TSR someday. Maybe even a story.
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mimmuzkaFeb 15, 2007
Loc0coJun 10, 2006
Thanks me too. I regret having lost the family, but I could rebuild it though. Not exactly like it was before, but with some hard work I'll something similar
SaozJun 09, 2006
I like your series of Victorian photos very much!