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Lola's Guestbook

vickyvalentineOct 3, 2005

Hi Lola, \:\) I think youre a FANTASTIC artist, especially the hair meshes, theyre awesome. Theres a few hair meshes you have in your profile (as pictures) i would really like to download em and use them in my game. Keep up the rockin work. All the best \;\)

Lanz16Sep 28, 2005

Your Hair mesh ROCKS! Especially the Sometimes Hair Mesh \:D \;\) That Hair mesh reminds me of my favorte 60's movie, Breakfast At Tiffany's . Actually Im your newest fan of your work!\:D Keep up the good work & God bless you!\:\)

AngelRionaSep 13, 2005

You're work is wonderful! Actually you are one if not my favorited artist for the sims 2. Keep up the good work!!!\:D

CatrillaSep 13, 2005

The Sometimes mesh did not line up right...there was a small circle of flesh and a thin line--rather like it was a hat. I liked it and you probably can't tell other than in build mode but I'm anal and prefer perfection.

Hunterkiller13Sep 6, 2005

Great meshes, keep it up. (BTW did silent bob come from the movie Jay and Silent bob strike back?\:D ?)

ChIkA_LaTiNaSep 2, 2005

HEYYYY GRRRRRRRRRRL!!! I love your hairs!!! they're so....beautiful!!! mwah hit me back - CHIKA

cynclaAug 29, 2005

Thank you for letting me know about the eyebrows - I use your hair anyway 'cus it's great but at least I know where to go now - thanks. Cyncla

leifofdelAug 24, 2005

Lola, I love your meshes,espeically the hair.\:\)I really wish that they worked on teens though. Would you please convert a few(like Alice,Babydoll,or the sweetness meshes)?\:D Thanks, Lief of Del\:\)

oldmember_-White-Knight-Aug 23, 2005

Lola, Lola, Lola... Your work is fantastic! Not only does it look great in the previews but it looks fantastic in-game! I've just downloaded all your custom hair and don't know how I ever played TS2 without them! Your stripey scarves are a MUST aswell! Keep up the great work and thankyou for making so many unique new hair styles \:rah\:!

DOTAug 20, 2005

YOU ROCK! Stripey scarves \:wub\:

Someone88Aug 20, 2005

hi... just tropnig by to say that y'r doing amazing work around here (Y) keep going... (Y)

ChIkA_LaTiNaAug 19, 2005

OH MY GOD I love ur stuff grrrrrrrrl!!!!! Dey sexxxxxy!!! Keep it up! - CHIKA

Tabby CoolAug 17, 2005

I just wanted to let you know that I really love all of your hairstyles and I'm going to download them all when I get home tonight \:\) You are very talented, congratulations on being made a featured artist too, it must be cool being made an FA when you are so young! \:\)

Zelda368Aug 17, 2005

Love your meshes, and I love your site! Keep up the great work! Your hair rules!

MooDAug 16, 2005

Your hair meshes ruleeeee!!!! Thanks for the Vertigo V2 set, I loved the haircut but I didn't like how the 1st version looked in the game!\:rah\:

GillaAug 14, 2005

Hey, you're doing a great job!\:D I really love all of your creations! And your sim-model too! Is it possible to download her some place? That would be great!\:rah\: ... well thanx for all your stunning hair-meshes, I really loove them! Hugs n' kisses from me\:P \:rah\:

BlondeNirvana08Aug 14, 2005

hey, i am making a hair mesh request. i love the vertgo hair and could you make with with straight bangs at the yeybrow? you rock! and take your time, i am in no rush! ok, thanks!

ricberbor3Aug 14, 2005

Hi! I just want to tell you that your haircuts are the most amazing one sin all TSR. I love them, I cant wait for them to be free, so that I can download them. \:\)

*Rach*Aug 13, 2005

Hi Lola! I luv your hair meshes, they're so cute! How come your paperbag princess site is down? \:\) \:D \:P \:cool\: \:rah\:

svetica7Aug 13, 2005

Hi Lola! I've just returned from my vacation and seen this great announcement! Congrats on becoming FA, you really deserve it. \:wub\: Hugs, S.

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