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Lola's Guestbook

oldmember_lansingApr 1, 2006

i love all your hairsyles they are so good. you should be a gold award person. i'd download all of them but i dont have subscription

ButterflyAngel79Mar 24, 2006

I love your creations and not to mention, hairstyles!!!!\:D \;\) Keep on Simming..cause you ROCK!!!\:cool\: \:rah\:

barbiedoll9999Mar 15, 2006

Hi Lola! I know I'm certainly not the first who tells you, but I just wanted to tell I really love your hairstyles! \:\)They're absolutely fabulous, each and single one of them! Great job! \:\) Every single day I log in here, just to see if there new ones available for free downloads! (Cause I don't have a suscribtion... Yet! \:D) Anyway, just wanted to congrat you with your beautifull work! \:\) Keep doing it that way... \;\) Love, Barbie

deseMar 10, 2006

Hi Lola, I commented on one of your hair downloads and issues I was having with it. I just wanted to follow up and say I worked out the problem. In character creation, for some reason, the eyebrow color won't match, but once actually playing the sim it looks fine. Thanks again!

syd_101Mar 1, 2006

wow...i absolutely love your hair styles. They are soooo cool\:cool\: ...anyways i justed wanted to give you praise for your hairstyles.\:D

SnazzyBeanFeb 19, 2006

Hi Lola, Wonderful work, thanks for all you do. I was looking at your profile and surprised at how many of your hairdos my daughter and I both use all the time. I have you bookmarked now so I don't miss anything!

oldmember_engelekaFeb 16, 2006

Dear Lola: I recently visited a site called and was reading the guestbook when I discovered many articles calling the owner of the site a thief! Your name has been associated with a lady called 'Katherine'. Do you know what is going on with this lady who also calls herself 'milla m'?\:\(

kytlleFeb 4, 2006

Hi Lola, i've already sent you a mail but you never answered, so can you teach me how to create original hair meshes?(i'm a non-beginner\;\)) If you have MSN Messenger my email is: See you soon

wordsygirlFeb 4, 2006

Hi, Lola, I've already sent you a PM, but I thought I'd ask here as well. Is there somewhere I can download the Eileen mesh by Milla M.? It doesn't seem to be available anywhere.

TikoJan 23, 2006

Dear Lola \:P You probably know that a long bout of illness made me miss the New Year, so I'm going to use the Chinese New Year celebration to thank you for your incredible meshing, coloring and design (all my Sims have your hair - I wish I did!), and for your dedication and kindness. May you have a really wonderful year ahead! \:wub\: Andy

dayna_36Jan 19, 2006

Great work\:\)

KnightskykyteJan 17, 2006

That spiky collar looks really good - any plans on making one for male sims? Now THAT would be hot!

i8423xJan 15, 2006

Hi!!!!!! Your hair creations are the best!!!!!! I have only one problem. About a week ago I came across a "Chelsea" creation and couldn't find the mesh for it. Now I can't even find the creation itself. Is there anyway I can get the mesh??? Pleeeeeeeease!!!! Love your work!!!! Thanks for all you do!!!!!

dandy7Jan 13, 2006

I just wanted to write to you and say that you are my favorite designer on this web page. I struggle to make the most basic items, but you seem to be able to do anything! I'm jealous \:P

McGiorgioJan 10, 2006

Hi....Just saw your Claire and it looks great....Tried to download but the mesh when extracted is an Andrea package and doesn't work with the Claire recolors...Hope you can change it cause i'd really like to use it...Thanks for all the other great meshes...

MissyZJan 6, 2006

Phew! I'm finally making my (somewhat belated) 'Happy Holidays / Happy New Year' wishes! \:o Thank you for your fabulous creations and I'm looking forward to seeing many more this year! ~ MissyZ \:rah\:

oldmember_papabluesimDec 30, 2005

Hi, I don't know if this is the right place for this, but my niece rally liked the model in your goth eyes (the purple ones I think) and she wanted to know if the model was available for download? \:\)

fw190a8Dec 29, 2005

Sorry about this but I couldn't find a link on the new TSR to send you a forum PM. For the Rockerbilly hair set, the recolored hair objects do not seem to have a link to the original mesh.

red1060Dec 27, 2005

A Very Merry Christmas...Happy..Holidays...Happy New Year to you and yours. I hope they are all you want and more! Red \:o

LorahDec 27, 2005

Merry Christmas and Happiest of a New Year to you \:rah\:

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