Majella13 (2726742)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (16 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Beach Wedding 2
Published Feb 5, 2014
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About Me
hey im maj and i create sims for fun but i just started for the fun of it because ive alwayesd loved the sims and now i go on the sims 3 in my spare time because ive played the sims for 10 years and its always good to keep on going on stuff you've loved for this long
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Darn VirusWritten May 29, 2011
Okay get this i go on the sims start playing my sim and 5 minutes later my game just turns off it's so annoying but the thing is that it only turns off if i play sims not if i go on edit town mode or the menu or crate sims just playing with my sims i used to love making movies on the sims but know i can't i can't even play the sims without everything turning off ok if ur reading this can u... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
danioontjeApr 07, 2012
Hello, you posted a comment about a sim of mine (adele) about the hair you can find it in descriptions. I'll give you the link:
Ray_SimsJul 13, 2011
Hey hey!! Thank you so much for comment on my house "modern
white".. I'm so glad.. thank you...
ltooleJul 11, 2011
Thanks so much for your great comment on my Summer Hill lot!!