MichelleySim95 (1991197)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (260 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Beau Amour
Published Jan 22, 2009
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About Me
Hey, guys! It's Michelley!I've decided to stop creating for the Sims 2. I've lost my passion for it (and I am very disappointed with TSR's new layout/website). I spent all my Kudos on lottery tickets so hopefully I'll win something? See ya later!
My Latest Updates Show All
Coming Soon: Beau Amour!Written Jan 19, 2009
Hey everyone! Just to let you know, I just submitted a new set of lipsticks: Beau Amour (that's French for beautiful love). This set is all about sweet, beautiful, colorful love (and I hope that it is reflected in the makeup!) Hope it will be approved and published soon! Tell me what you think! ...More
Michelley Update. Haha does anybody even read these...? =DWritten Jan 16, 2009
Hope you all liked my new set of eye colors: Serenity! I worked hard on them and I personally think I did an OK job. I haven't been creating too much new stuff but I promise a new set of lipsticks is on its way! Right now, I am in midterm week...so that's really boring and nerveracking! ^^hmm I do like icecream!! Haha! ^^oh no! watch out! have a nice day... ...More
iTunes shuffle quiz...Written Jan 08, 2009
I'm gonna take an iPod shuffle quiz. If you wanna take it too, just go to your music library, put it on shuffle, and put the name of the song as your answer. Here I go... How am I feeling today?: Play that Funky Music (White Boy) . Perhaps I feel extra white and funky today... Will I get far in life?: Good Times, Bad Times-Led Zeppelin sounds good to me! I'll take the good withthe... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
TwilightDreamerNov 08, 2010
nice work have an awesome week
OceanviewsMay 18, 2009
Hi, tomorow i will have a new set of the six leading ladys of desperate housewives. If you are a fan check it out
evetsangelJan 11, 2009
Thank you for all of your wonderful creations! I love them.