Newtlco's Blog
My download counter reached 500,00 today! I can't thank you enough but thanks a lot.Thanks for your support for your feedback.Thank you for downloading my stuff, I am so glad you liked them (:
House Crashes ?
Hi!Recently, a few of you complained about house crashes.But you didn't say which of my houses crashes your game.
So I think you can say which of my creations crash your game.Hope we can find a solution :)
School Matters..
Hi all!As many of you knows that my school has started.And these weeks I have a lot of examinations that I have to pass.Forgive that I won't be able to be visible in the site so much.I am trying to make creations but this requires time.I hope you are still having fun w/ my creations.
Happy Simming! ~~Newtlco
Promise Bedroom RC
Hi all! I started to recolor Cassandre's mesh set "Promise Bedroom". But I guess this will take time.Because there is more than 30 items in the set (: But this is a pleasure for me. Download the mesh in her site to see what the set is.I think it is great.Hope you like her bedroom and my recolor on rather (:Happy Simmimg! ~~Newtlco
CL#1 Problems ?
Hi all! Recently, some of you are having problems with this lot.I am trying to solve the problem, but there is no problem according to my test.I think it might be abou your game.But I wish I could find a solution.Keep creating :)ArkarianLofts
Hi all!At last I got AL and made an apartment (a loft).It will be published tomorrow.I hope you like my project :)
Sims 3 In Turkish?
Hey guys!I saw a new petition for a language support for Sims 3.Some of you know that I am Turkish.There is alot of fansites here.And a lot of us want to play Sims 3 in Turkish.If you want to support us click the link below:
At the end of the page, you should enter your name and your surname.An e-mail adress (it is not important if it is not available) . And if you want you can leave a comment.Then click next.A donation page will appear.Close this page and you are done.
IF you want to support us we will be glad.
I love changes!!!
Hi all!If you have notices my username is changing.The change is not completed yet but in the end my username will be Newtlco.It is closer to the old one.Hope you enjoy!