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Nikki041498's Blog

Merry Christmas!

I know I've been remiss about updating my mini site. Things have been rather busy and off kilter for me for the past few months. For one thing my computer simply could not carry on any longer so my hubby bought me a brand new one as an early Christmas present. WooHOOO!!

As for the other things...well...Life has a way of getting in the way of what you really want to be doing.

But now here we are at the end of another year. I wish you all a very Merry, Safe, and Happy Christmas, Holiday, or whatever you generally celebrate this time of year. I hope the New Year is a good one for us all.

As a special Christmas Thank you, I have two sets that will be free until December 31. My Colorful Separates clothing set, and my Simply Modern Livingroom set. I hope you enjoy them. Thank you all for making this a wonderful year at TSR and I am looking forward to what 2007 brings for us all.

Hard Drive Died

Well it finally happened. The Grim Reaper came and took my hard drive a couple of hours ago, and he didn't even let me beg for it's life first! We had a short but intense thunderstorm Wednesday night and it knocked our power out for 20 hours. Here in the Southern United States the day time tempuratures have been reaching above 100 we had a rough time. They finally got the power on late Thursday afternoon..and we assumed that everything was going to be back to normal. Well this morning without any warning the power went out again. This time the power company was working on the lines. They only had it off for little less than an hour....but when I went to turn my computer back on....I got the "Master Drive Failed" message. My hard drive was gone!
We just happened to have two brand new hard drives from my hubby's old computer just sitting in our guest thankfully we don't have to go buy another one, but it's going to take me awhile to get all my programs, games, and creating tools back up and running. I do have backups for most everything, but there are some programs and such that I will simply have to redownload as I find that I need them. It's going to be at least a week, or more before I have more items to upload. In the meantime I have a new bedroom set that get's published tomorrow. All new meshes! I hope you enjoy it. I'll be back up to full speed as soon as possible.

SIMply For Guys

Hey everyone,

Be sure to check the calendar this coming week for the new Theme Week "SIMply for Guys". Lot's of great stuff coming out. I'll have six clothing sets for the guys, along with a "Bachelor Livingroom" set. All new furniture meshes. I also have set my previous male clothing sets to show for the theme so you can locate them. All the FA's are working hard to make this theme one that gives you a little bit of everything for the guys.

Once again I want to thank everyone that has left comments on my creations. I love to hear from you and it's always great to know that people are enjoying what I do. I've tried to send a responce to as many as I could, but I'm falling if I have not responded...I want you to know that I read each comment and I appreciate each of you taking the time to let me know what you think.


I want to thank everyone that has left me a comment on all my items. I've been remiss in not responding as I should. It seems that at the times I read them I'm always in a rush. Thank you all and I'm glad to know that so many of you enjoy my work. I certainly plan to start responding to each of you from this point on.


I've finally managed to figure out the editing maze and now all my objects and meshes should be marked TSRAA. I was afraid I was going to have to go object by object to do it, but the TSR Techs got the system set so that I simply had to click one setting.

So all those that would like to use my items in their lots are more than welcome to do so. :)

I'm back!

In case you've seen my banner display in the Featured Artist sections, you might be wondering if I'm back as an Active FA...and the answer is yes! Although I stepped down to pursue other artistic avenues, I found that I just couldn't stay away from Sim designing. I was extended the invitation to return to full active status and I accepted without hesitation. I love designing for the Sims more than I realized, and I'm happy to be back as a TSR Featured Artist. So I'll be updating more often, and you can be on the lookout for my skins and objects on the front page calendar. :)

More New Sets

Hey all,

I've been working on new skins again. Seems like I can't stay away from it, even when I'm working on other projects. I uploaded two new sets this morning. One is a Mix and Match Summer Set for women, and the other is a formal gown set of recolors of one of Grizzelda's meshes. I also have two teen sets almost ready to go. One for the guys and one for the gals. Keep watch on the calendar for the publish dates.

New Sets

I've been working on some new sets the past few weeks. My Colorful Seperates set was published this morning. I have a dress set that is based on one of Grizzelda's great meshes. As soon as the submissions calendar problem is fixed, it will be ready to go. I also have a Summer Fun Mix and Match set of cute summer tops,with matching skirts and color coordinated capris, along with a pretty formal dress set also based on one of Grizzelda's meshes. Be on the lookout for them!

I'm Retired

I was wondering how to get back to my mini site page. The links were not bringing me back, but looks like it's all working fine now.

As some of you probably know I have retired as a Featured Artist here at TSR. I've enjoyed my time here, and have been grateful for the time I had as an FA, but life gets in the way and we sometimes have to make detours. I was once heavily into sculpting and handcrafts, and since the Sims 2 first came out, I have abandoned all my previous artistic persuits in favor of designing for Sims 2. The time has come for me to rediscover those forgotten pleasures of creating with my hands instead of just a mouse. Rest assured I will still be submitting content here. Just not as frequently. Take care and I shall be around.

Happy New Year!

I want to wish all of you a Happy New Year. I'm looking forward to what being able to continue creating for the Sims, and seeing what new things I can learn. Be sure to keep an eye out for the next theme week. I think it's going to be a great one!

Latest Headlines

Merry Christmas! Hard Drive Died SIMply For Guys Comments TSRAA I'm back! More New Sets New Sets I'm Retired Happy New Year!
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