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Nygirl08's Blog

After Dark Readers

Due to the hectic holiday season and trouble with screenshots I can't seem to find any longer on my computer (might have accidentally deleted them) I can't continue the story here. I have written up to chapter 17 on the offical sims 3 site, you can find and read all the chapters from my story forum HERE

Or from my sims 3 page HERE

I apologize that I can't continue it here but hope that you will follow the link and continue to read. If you want to comment you can post comments here or on that forum.

Chapter 2 of "After Dark" seems to be missing.

Well I had put together and submitted chapter 2 of my story After Dark and it seems as if chapter 3 was approved but chapter 2 hasn't I'm not sure what happened but I decided to delete it and resubmit it and hopefully that will help, I have been having some troubles with the website lately so maybe its just a glitch, so I am putting it together and submitting it as we speak hopefully it will be out by tomorrow or tues. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have cause my readers.

New story on the horizon!

I have been working diligently on a new story but wasn't sure about how people would respond so I posted it over on the offical sims 3 site, I know that alot of people don't read stories over there with all the swamping of crazy storyboards, but it has gone pretty well over there so far, and I got a generally great response with my previous story, so I am going to post it here as well. I will give you a little teaser.


After Dark

by NyGirl08


Eva Matthews is an accomplished romance and dating columnist, who herself is having trouble finding a man worthy of her standards when she turns to an online dating site in hopes of finding that perfect man without realizing the potential dangers that could come from her endeavors.


“And so the hunt begins…around the time the sun goes down and the bright lights of the city come alive. Pedestrians flood the city streets in their little black dresses adorned with flashy jewelry, their hair done up so perfectly that there isn’t a strand out of place, their fingernails neatly manicured, not a single thing out of place. So what are they hunting for? Love? Romance? A late night fling?” I began to type out onto a fresh document on my computer.

I write a romance and dating column for Bridgeport’s premier night life magazine “After Dark”. And I have to admit I kind of love my job, since it consists of pretty much going out every night and observing peoples romantic behaviors, sometimes I indulge myself in talking to them, and asking them questions, then turning what I learned and observed that night in to something people can relate to when they read my column. This week’s article entitled “The Hunt” focuses on those who go out pursuing romantic encounters."

Pieces of Me Story Finished

Upon posting chapter 20 of pieces of me, I forgot to include that it was indeed the final chapter of the story, I want to send a big thank you to everyone who read the story and enjoyed it, I appreciate it very much! I am now in the middle of working on a few new stories for you all so keep a look out for those to come soon!



Pieces of Me Chapter 18

Still waiting on the approval of the 18th chapter for my story, hoping it doesn't get rejected for some reason or another, already have chapter 19 finished and 20 in the works, so I haven't stopped writing, just still waiting.

Pieces of Me Chapters

So after an extremely busy week of writing new chapters for my story I will be gone for all of the weekend doing family things, so I have written chapter 17 and 18, both tonight, so that you will have some reading to tie you over for the weekend.

I originally only planned to do a few more chapters but I had a bizarre dream the other night and decided that I would throw that as a twist into the story, so now the story has been extended and will be continuing the story for a few more chapters and I will see where I am when I am done with those fully, to decide if I want to continue or stop it where I originally intended to stop it.

I have gotten much more feedback than I had originally anticipated when I started the story and I have tried really hard to give you, my readers, what you want without taking away from my original storyline. I am extremely pleased with all the comments and feedback and appreciate everyone who has read and commented. This story would not have come along so nicely, if it wasn’t for you. Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy the next two chapters!

Have a great weekend all!


Pieces of Me Comments

I have been so very busy with RL and with writing this story I haven't had very much time to sit down and thank everyone personally yet for their wonderful comments on the last few chapters of my story, so a quick but very humble thank you to everyone who has read and commented on my story! I hope that you will continue to read as we are nearing the final chapters. Thank you again, this story wouldn't have been as great if it weren't for all the comments and readers!!



Computer Problems...

I encountered some troubling computer problems a few days ago while working on my 12th chapter of Pieces of me, and had to reinstall my OS completely. Meaning I had to also reinstall The Sims and all expasions and stuff packs, I was upset when I thought I had lost everything and wouldn't be able to continue the story as it was made due to CC reasons, but thank god all my files were saved into a folder and was able to retrieve them. So the story continues on! Wrapping up my 12th Chapter now, have a few more to go!

Also started working on a new story, when the idea popped in my head I had to start on it right away so that it wouldn't pass me by getting it started now, so be on the look out for that to be coming soon!


Happy Simming all!!


Pieces of Me Chapter 11 is finished.

I spent a while tonight wrapping up the 11th chapter of Pieces of Me, there were so many great ideas i incorporated a little bit of a few of the ones i recieved as well as an idea of my own i got over vacation. I hope you all enjoy it when it gets approved, its a long one so be prepared to read, read, read!!!

Happy Simming All!


Back from vacation...

While it was good to enjoy some time away, a little longer than i had expected as well, its good to be back from vacation!! Back to work finishing up the next couple of chapters for Pieces of Me!!

Hope you all had a wonderful summer.


Latest Headlines

After Dark Readers Chapter 2 of "After Dark" seems... New story on the horizon! Pieces of Me Story Finished Pieces of Me Chapter 18 Pieces of Me Chapters Pieces of Me Comments Computer Problems... Pieces of Me Chapter 11 is... Back from vacation...
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