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Nygirl08's Guestbook

spladoumSep 30, 2010

Well, I'm very glad you liked it! \:D  Chapter 3 is progress--as soon as I stop obsessing over the plot and start writing, that is ... XD

mambaker13Sep 24, 2010

Not only do you write beautiful stories, you create AMAZING lots as well .\:D I love love love your work. You're very talented and have a very good eye for art, but I should have known that from the story. >.<

PralinesimsSep 23, 2010

  Hello sweetie !!\:D thank you very much for commenting  on my creations!\:D i wish you a beautiful and gorgeous week! *hugsandkisses*  

fabrizioammolloSep 20, 2010

Hi there! I'm glad that we will have more that "Pieces of me"! It's a very enjoyable story. Have a great week, bye, F.

RatRaceRobSep 17, 2010

Greetings!  Thank you for your great compliment on Tales from the Flipside , I'm very glad you enjoyed it and took the time to say so \:\)!  Have a fantastic weekend \:D

PralinesimsSep 16, 2010

hi there\:D thank you so much for commenting on my stuffs\:D im so happy you like my creations!\:D i wish you a gorgeous day and a beautiful week!! *hugsandkisses*

spladoumSep 16, 2010

Hi NYGirl!  Thank you for taking the time to comment on The Stones.  I hope you continue to enjoy it! \:\)

DOTSep 15, 2010

Hi hi \:\)  Thank you for the nice comment on the Seattle Sun Set I tried to make.  I love your AV red hair.  That is wonderful! Love it \:D

Miss_Crazy13Aug 30, 2010

I also agree with fredbrenny, fabrizioammollo & urm0m. It's scary how similar the movie is compared to Dani's & Ari's life. \:D

urm0mAug 28, 2010

I totally agree with what fabrizioammollo and fredbenny have both said \:D you should make the ending like the film so that they both realise they're like the two characters \:D

MangioAug 28, 2010

She should just sit on the couch and then the idea of the movie will be in her head. Of course, she puts the two events together and runs off to the airport. Maybe she's too late, or she just makes it in time but he doesn't hear her..? Well that's my idea for chapter 11... of course, you probably have a better one \:D \:wub\:

fabrizioammolloAug 27, 2010

Hi, I agree with Fred! They both should make their move: Dani have not been the only one to let things go nowhere.  Ari is a very good guy but he have been a bit hands-off (He let her think that he has a girlfriend for months, when finally she broke up with René he didn't call the woman that is supposed to be his great love for over six months? I mean not being pushy is good, but being caring is better! \;\) They both can't see the parallelism between the movie and their lives, or he too would fight for her. My idea is that Dani comes back home but she still thinks of "Au revoir mon amour" then she decides to run after him and try to catch him at the airport, but she can't find him anyway, so she, completely desperate, decides to go to the gallery to find a piece of him in his art. Meantime Ari is going to take his plane with Danielle's words over and over “Go get her Richard! She loves you too, can’t you see it!!!”.  Suddenly he realizes that he must at least make an attempt, so he asks the taxi driver to bring him back, but he cannot find Dani at home. Ari, partially sad and partially hoping, begins looking unsuccessfully for her everywhere, untill he arrives nearby the gallery. There he can hear a well known voice full of regrets, complaing about her mistakes and having lost him, and he laughs, making her aware of him. At last they run in each other's arms and finally they tell each other about their feelings, and in their eagerness they barge in the other one! \:D Not very different in the essence from what Fred suggest! I can't wait for the real end! F.

fredbrennyAug 27, 2010

Congrats on the chapter 10!!! That was clever! \:rah\:  The movie thing... Let Dani watch the movie again (she has to rent the video (dvd) and watch it again. Rene comes over while she is almost at the end of the moveie. Right there and then she knows what to do... she takes of for the States to be with Ari and tell him she loves him... leaving Rene with a big questionmark hovering over his head, only to find Ari is NOT in the States but on his way back to France to tell HER that he loves her....\:wub\:    Just an idea.... \:D

fabrizioammolloAug 26, 2010

Hi Nygirl! Congratulation for having your story featured, it really deserve it! F.

misha1013Aug 25, 2010


fabrizioammolloAug 23, 2010

Hi! I have been away for holidays, but coming back I found new chapters! Good job. Have a great week, F.

fredbrennyAug 17, 2010

Hi Nygirl \:wub\:  Thanks for reading the Finale of Azra's story and your really nice comments! After the crash I really lost Cheng Wang Liang, big surprize he turned up again just lat week. Seems like my pc (and the game) made a full circle too and 'spawned' a new Cheng!  \:D I had to go with that. Azra too old, Daughter JUST the right age... \:D Today I am sitting here on your doorstep and with a nice cup of coffee, are goingto read your story.... Today I have the time... (I'm at work...LOL)

matomibotakiAug 16, 2010

\:rah\: THANK YOU \:rah\:for your lovely comment on my house - Chic in Brick -. You Screenshots are great, love them. Have a wonderful week.\:rah\:

mensureAug 15, 2010

Thanks so much for your nice comment on my blog. I am glad you like it. \:\) \:\)

KrissAug 14, 2010

Hi and thanks for your nice comment in my blog. \:wub\: I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your father. Losing a parent is a hard regardless of when it happens. I also want to give you belated congratulations on becoming SA. \:\)

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