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Created for: The Sims 4 Creator Terms of Use
Invisible basic (default) crib for babies. So that it can be put in any CC-crib or on another surface.
This mod is a repaint of the base crib in a transparent color and does not make any changes to the game.
The mod has been tested and works on update 1.99 game version.
The crib now has visible anchors (two gray round spots). They are visible in the buy mode and in the mode and in the live mode (if there is a baby in the crib).
When there is no baby in your crib, you can see the anchors and use them to move the crib or remove it from the lot.
For those who want complete invisibility, you can choose the fourth color change (black icon), which makes the crib completely transparent. You can choose in the purchase mode when you click on the baby. When choosing this option, do not forget to switch to the option with anchors before the baby grows up.
* 3 options with anchor, 1 option fully transparent crib.
* Don't put your baby too far away from the edge of the bed for the Sim to walk to. Don't place decor close to the crib so Sims can interact with the baby. It is better to lay the baby a little diagonally.
* You can buy a crib in the Buy/Kids/Furniture section. Be sure to buy a crib BEFORE your baby is born. Previously, it was generated by the game, but after update 1.96, most often the bed is generated from the addon and you will not be able to transfer the child later.
* If you already have a baby in the family before installing the mod and he is in the base crib, it will automatically be replaced with an invisible one.
* This mod only replaces the base crib, it does not replace cribs from other addons (vampires, werewolves, magicians, etc.).
You can only have one default in your game. If you have the same mod from other authors, make sure that there is only one in the Mods folder! Check ALL folders and subfolders, sometimes the mod can be duplicated in folders with downloaded lots.
Also, the mod may conflict or not be seen in your game if you have default CC skintones for babies. Many skintones for babies change these same game files!
27-jul-2023 - Tested to version 1.99 ok
18-mar-2023 - Updated to version 1.96 ok
20-jan-2012 - - Tested on version 1.94 ok
28-jul-2022 - Tested on version 1.90 ok
05-jun-2022 - New version with anchor 1.88
29-may-202 - Tested on version 1.88 ok
19-mar-2022 - Tested on version 1.85 ok
09-nov-2021 - Tested on version 1.81 ok
10-sep-2021 - Tested on version 1.79 ok
15-may-2021 - Updated to version 1.73 ok
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1534779
ItemID: 1534779
Revision: 5
Filesize: 655 KB
Created by Severinka, tumblr @irinaseverinka
Thank you Sirin-sims for helpful tips )
This mod is made as an alternative to the mod 'Baby and Crib' by Kiolometro, since the old mod has not been updated for a long time and was broken.
Many thanks to Kiolometro for her idea.
Credits: TSRAA,Kiolometro,S4S
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