Prettysgi (4312338)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (3 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Grease Posepack - SgiSims
Published Aug 14, 2015
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About Me
Welcome, welcome ^-^
My name is Silvia, I'm from Spain, and I looove writting, reading and drawing wehee.
Here is my tumblr where you can find more about me, more pics, more stories, downloads, cc finds, etc (guess that's what you'd find on anyones simblr xd):
Hope you're all having an awesome day! ♥♥♥
My Latest Updates Show All
Hey ♥Written Jul 30, 2014
Firs of all, sorry for not submiting chapter 6 of Fly, you're free yet, I just went on a trip and couldn't submit it from my phone. Second of all, thank you for all your nice comments and support, I love when you tell me I made you smile one way or another, it just gives me more reasons to continue writing. Third and finally, I don't know if I will continue my story, since the rating... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
sweetwilightOct 16, 2015
OMG! I need to catch up with Yours!!! Been gone for months.. and I saw Yours is finishing T.T Cant wait to start simming again
IDarkSlayISep 22, 2015
Hi, I love your story. Did you create Seth? Or did you download from someone else? I was wondering because there is another story on here that has a character that looks nearly identical to Seth in your story.
Catch me - Chapter 12 is where i saw the blond guy that looks like Seth.
SilentWolf101Sep 06, 2015
That's alright. Thanks for letting me know!