SIMcharlie (2166507)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (12 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Modern Apartment & Store
Published May 29, 2009
About Me
I've not been on here in so long! But I'm back, and will re-create my profile page ASAP. Until then, thank you to the downloads I've had!
My Guestbook Show All
bosnombeharMay 28, 2009
Thank you for leaving a comment on my screenshot.
mighty_femaleMay 28, 2009
Hey there! Thank you for leaving comment on my screenie "Pond" I'm glad you liked it! Have a nice day!
Marauder281Dec 09, 2008
Thank you for commenting on my screen shot "Vanna at home". The pictured house with the sunken livingroom is available for download if you are interested. It's called 'Electric Avenue'.