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SIMcredible!'s Blog

New Milestone - One Billion downloads

Hey simmers β˜ΊοΈ

It's almost Christmas and today is a beautiful day to share with you all our new milestone: one billion downloads in TSR πŸŽ…πŸ€ΆπŸŽ

Thank you all for your support, recognition, comments and likes πŸ˜„πŸ‘ Without you, we wouldn't be sharing this amazing news πŸ’›οΈπŸŽ‰

Taking this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas surrounded by love and Joy πŸŽ„βœ¨


Thaya and Paula


SIMcredible's 20th anniversary πŸ₯³οΈ

Yay! Today is the day! On the evening of Thursday's October the 2nd 2003 we launched our website! It was under the Sims1 era and we had only 5 sets on that day. Slowly, we've created more and more, migrated to every new version of the Sims and today, we can share with you our numbers 😊

  • 183  The sims 1 sets
  • 187  The sims 2 sets
  • 290  The sims 3 sets
  • 343  The sims 4 sets so far (and counting...)
  • over 845 million downloads only at TSR...

And we would like to thank you for being with us since whenever you started to download our files πŸ˜„ Thank you for your support, your messages, your comments and all your likes! We are very happy for being part of your games for so long now πŸ’š

And today, you can get our festive set at TheSimsResource. "Party like the 20s" is a 2 parts set, with the party we would like to give to our "son" SIMcredible! Hope you enjoy celebrating this party with us πŸ₯‚ πŸ₯³οΈ


Thank you for celebrating our milestone with us and... may our endeavor keep growing and bringing beauty and fun to your games for many more years! πŸ™


Thaya & Paula πŸ’šπŸ’™


Infants Nursery

Hello simmers!

We are so happy and honored to share with you all that thanks to the generosity and kind support of our patron Juliet , we now have the 'Growing together' EP πŸ’™πŸ₯³πŸ’™ She sent to us the EP as gift and this means that thanks to her, we will be able to share with you all some functional Infant items matching with our past kids sets.

Some of our past kids sets (Candy Covered, Cotton Whisper, Donuts and more to come) are already available to our Patrons as early access.

In June month, we will be bringing 3 new sets exclusively here at TSR. The first one is Nature Kids and it's already uploaded.

Naturalis is being made as we speak and it will be released next month as well so, stay tuned for more πŸ‘Ά


Hope you enjoy! Have a wonderful day and a happy simming time!


Beds fix - now working with High School EP

Hello Simmers!
Finally all of our beds are fixed.

πŸ‘‰ All beds from TSR website are fixed. Please redownload.

πŸ‘‰ If you were a supporter of our premium sets (Thank you for your support!), the beds were sent to the email you used at PayPal by the time you made the transaction. In case you've changed the email, let us know the one you used at that time and we will send the file to your new mail.

πŸ‘‰ If you were a passionate patron and got one of our beds as a gift on the time it was released, we sent the fixed beds to patrons emails as well.

 We thank the TSR staff for helping us and batch fixing most of our beds πŸ‘

Now, we really need a few days break 😫
See you soon...

Personal Update about Tha's health

Hi, Simmers!

Since I posted before, I had problems with stomachaches since March. Now, I finally returned to the GI doctor to show all my medical exams (blood tests, endoscopy etc...) and the diagnoses are gastritis, esophagitis and lactose intolerance.

I started being treated with medicine for this matter, but because of all the pain i had and the inability to eat properly until today (since March) it all lead me to have bad anxiety crises and a very big fear of eating. So am having medical appointments for this situation as well (psychologist).

I feel better, though πŸ™πŸ’™πŸ₯°

There are days i feel perfect, other days not so fine... But it is all a process, a really slow process... like baby steps.

And i really appreciate that you guys kept me on your prayers, your thoughts and good vibrations!

All this love i receive, i keep on my heart and it makes me a bit more strong to keep going.

Thank you very sincerely, Guys! πŸ’πŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ§‘πŸ’

May all be embraced and feel safe, health and happy for all we have today.

Much love for you all!



Why so much web transfers and so few new sets?

Hello Simmers!

Sorry if we are uploading more web transfers than new sets. One of us (Tha) is not doing well. She has been having strong stomach aches for a month now. Doctor appointments, exams and pain are removing her from the computer and without her, all I (Paula) can do are web transfers because she is the artistic part who takes pictures and creates the most beautiful meshes and textures. I have 2 sets done and 2 more needing her artistic advice and assistance, but she is afk most of the time and I must respect it because she is in pain. She is still under treatment but since the results are not as good as expected, she may change to another doctor so, probably more appointments, more exams.. That's the reason.

Hope she can recover soon πŸ™ Thank you!

WCIF Naturalis Living room

'Rustiko' rug jute by SIMcredible @ TSR



'Amena' rug by SIMcredible @ TSR



'Squadros' rug by SIMcredible @ TSR



'Naturalis' Painting by SIMcredible @ TSR



'Naturalis' Flower Mirror by SIMcredible @ TSR



'Naturalis' kids plant by SIMcredible @ TSR



'Naturalis' Dried plant Poppy Seed Head by SIMcredible @ TSR



'Naturalis Office' plant 5 by SIMcredible @ TSR



'Naturalis Office' decor bike by SIMcredible @ TSR



'Naturalis Office' curtain tropical by SIMcredible @ TSR



'Naturalis' basket by SIMcredible @ TSR



'Naturalis Bathroom' suculentas A and B by SIMcredible @ TSR




'Naturalis Dining'column by SIMcredible @ TSR



'Naturalis Dining'ceiling lamp by SIMcredible @ TSR



'Spring Aroma' Cushion Left by SIMcredible @ TSR



'Naturalis' Flowers plate by SIMcredible @ TSR



'Naturalis Pantry' Basket with Lid Wicker @ TSR



'Bontempo' tapestry currently only available at Patreon (soon on TSR too)

'Suavis' cushions for loveseat currently only available at Patreon (soon on TSR too)

WIP (work in Progress) Naturalis Bathroom - coming soon!

Hey Simmers :)
Naturalis Bathroom will be coming soon!

Did you miss 'Naturalis' series? We did!

♥ 'Naturalis' bathroom is being created now and soon you'll be able to add a bit more of natural elements and woody palette to your sims homes.

Just a pinch for now ^^
Stay tuned and safe, my friends! πŸ™‚
Much Love for you ♥

Thank you β™₯

Hi Simmers 😊

Well, we are here to share with you our new milestone.

Today is SIMcredible's 18th anniversary.  It's a big child now ^^

Our website ( was launched in October 2nd 2003. On that time, vibrant pallets were trendy and the website look was a bit retro, in pink and green colors (as shown in picture). We had just 5 sets for the Sims 1 that day. Slowly we created more and more.

 What we didn't know on that time is that 18 years later we would still love this game, just as when we were under our 30's... this is true love ♥

During these years we created... 

  • 183  The sims 1 sets
  • 187  The sims 2 sets
  • 290 The sims 3 sets 
  • 253 The sims 4 sets so far (and counting...)

more than 10K pieces for your games... and if you're still reading all these info we are sharing, we would like to give to you a sincere and hearty thank you


For being with us, for so long or for so little, for support us ♥ 

If you are our patron, if you bought any of our support sets, if you share your comment with us letting us know you've enjoyed our work, if you appreciate our efforts or even sharing a picture using one of our content. Thank you! 

You're part of this milestone and we appreciate a lot being part of your game 😘 It is a pure honor to decorate your sims homes ^^

Thank you so much!

And let there be more 18 years ahead πŸ˜„πŸ€ž

Transferring our older sets to TSR

Hello Simmer :)


First we want to apologize for the pause in the 'Naturalis' series ( yes...!! there will be bathroom and living from this series ^^ ) but i had to take a small time to take care of my health :)

Aside this, we are completely rearranging our site in order to make it more compressed and a bit less expensive to us.

That means that we are transferring our older sets to TSR and make our entire sims 4 collection available from there.

You won't be able to find past released sets on our website anymore.

Slowly they will be uploaded at TSR and you'll can have them back!!

Of course, they are available at our Patreon too, a set per zip file ;)

That's it for today, guys! ^^

Much love for you and take care


Latest Headlines

New Milestone - One Billion... SIMcredible's 20th anniversary... Infants Nursery Beds fix - now working with High... Personal Update about Tha's health Why so much web transfers and so... WCIF Naturalis Living room WIP (work in Progress) Naturalis... Thank you β™₯ Transferring our older sets to TSR
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